What did you order or think about ordering?


I’m not a huge fan of tactile, the bump messes with me and I mistype much more.
I have looked at Kailh Deep Sea, it’s on my list to try. Though I think after this last round of “trys”, I’ll start getting smaller amounts as I don’t need a closet full of switches to compliment my closet full of dice, keyboards, keycaps, computer parts and Star Wars toys.


I kinda like those Domikey aluminum boards at KPRepublic. Weird names Laby67 (I just think of labia) and Baby face. But they look nice with the exception of the branded badge. Quite pricey though.


That is rather in your face, isn’t it? Reminds me of the “I can afford one of these!” monogram patterns from Louis Vuitton, Burberry, etc., versus the “I always prefer these” understated patterns or solid colors from the same companies.


Welp, they sent me some switches, but they look to be Midnight Jades and not Mute Jades. :disappointed:


Hehe… they actually did this on my order too; they sent me the RAMA Zooted artisan instead of the Salvun one. I’m gonna guess the warehouse is heckin’ busy right now.

If you email support and let them know what happened, they’ll sort it out for you. They got back to me within one business day and already have the corrected shipment with a pre-paid return envelope for the oops product.

That said, Midnight Jades haven’t been listed on their site for years so it’s kind of funny they still had any - I’d have figured the last of their stock would have gone out with the last round of Mystery Switches. It looks like they’re still made and (or at least) in stock some places here and there, but they were originally a NovelKeys x RandomFrankP collab. They’re 5-pin, which is nice, and was pretty uncommon for BOXes at the time they came out.

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Oh yeah, definitely can imagine with the sale and all. And in this case I can’t even fault them because the packages are /labeled/ Mute Jade. But contents are definitely Midnight Jades (or similar enough that I can’t tell the difference.

Already reached out to NK support and don’t expect any issues there, though I’m guessing they don’t really have any Mute Jades and the whole order they received was all Midnight Jades. So mostly just wanting to return them in that case.

Interesting! I didn’t know Midnight Jades had been a NK collab. What’s weird to me, though, is that I swear I’ve seen Midnights on Ali and some other places in the past 6 months, but I’ve NEVER seen Mute Jades available beyond single switch vendors.

Based on the fact that they’re in packaging labeling them as Mute Jades, I’m guessing this is a translation error or some kind of order SNAFU with Kailh. Both names do begin with M, too.

But yeah, definitely NOT Mute Jades (the one I have in photo for comparison):

Though I can report that NK does seem to be a +1 switch sort of vendor (MKZealots did the same when I ordered through their Shopify site) – all the bags had 37 switches instead of 36.


The only BOX Jade switches I have are the Midnight version, mostly due to sale price timing a few years back combined with their 5-pin feature made them more compelling than regular BOX Jades. I’m equally surprised to see they’re still around.

Looks like NK will restock in Q4:



Grabbed a spacebar kit for GMK Wasabi v2 to go with my v1 kit & fingers crossed the green spacebars match decently well with Zooted too. Been hunting for the zooted spacebar kit or even just the 7u green space from the base with no luck for months now. Figured I’d grab a Lindy Flemo cable while I was at it since I have wanted one of them for awhile too.


Apparently I won the drop keyboard club contest for June/july so I asked for MT3 Darkness. Hard time choosing between that and Dusk, wish there were more MT3 ABS instead of PBT, but I’m sure someone else feels the opposite way.


All right - I did it - I got HSA Pink Powder and some JTK trays from Vala’s 50% off sale! First HSA set!


What do you keebtalkers think about the Mrtaxi? I like matrixlab and their style (I own 4 of their boards), but I don’t feel compelled to buy this one.

Thought about it but didn’t purchase.


Fun theme, Matrix signature style & craftsmanship - but while fun, “cabs of the world” doesn’t grab me quite as much as their general graphics-in-metal shenanigans


I agree. I like the travel theme, and I like some of the graphics (Munich and London badges) but the taxi idea seems forced. I know many people have joked about their logo because the R’s look like A’s and vice versa. It’s clever, but I don’t know that I like it.


An old Vintage board with an FCC ID that was registered to Yantai, who used to have some Alps/Omron-Clone switches back in the day too. I need to wait for it to arrive at the warehouse to have some better Photos. But they are using some kind of MX Yellow switches. Not sure if they are Aristotle Yellow (fake Cherry Yellows from way back when) or of they are actually Yantai Yellows or something. But it’s interesting to see those in the wild, in a board.
Screenshot 2024-07-07 at 06-55-45 O1CN01bbzhII1trtvSZ0Fzg_!!53-fleamarket.heic (JPEG Image 1440 × 1920 pixels)


That about sums up how I feel about the Mr. Taxi too, clever design but not for me. Doubly so since it’s a 75%, that form factor just never hits right for me, I’d rather just jump up to TKL at that point.


A nearly $600 taxi-themed keyboard is a hard pass for me. I’ll always applaud someone taking a chance on design, but I feel the market for this round of boards is minuscule.


Yeah I agree, I think Matrix knows that too as the window to order one is only like 5 or 6 days long IIRC.


I hadn’t noticed that order window; this kind of niche board makes a lot more sense to me now.

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The case design looks like they took the Matrix ME, turn it into a 75% and add extra badges with themes. I think the USB placement looks off and what really disappoints me the most about recent Matrix boards is the fact that they started forcing hotswap PCBs while the option for solder gets thrown out the window. I hope they stop doing that but it seems because they appeal a lot more to the Chinese market, they don’t really care about what the internationals want when it comes to options (at best, they started giving non-flex cut plates but that’s about it).