What did you order or think about ordering?

@Rob27shred @Buckknife Just adding to my comment on the QK100 and stating for the search record, in case someone does go for one, after trying 6 screws I later did every other on top, including the corners, and started with every other on the bottom, including the corners but removed the one under the spacebar. This is a bit more stable/and has 90% of the sound and feel of 6 screws with only one additional screw. I think it would also work with flexier plates, unlike the 6 screws imo.

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XCJZ is the switch designer https://www.instagram.com/xcjzzzzz


Ok that makes a little more sense but still looks cursed having it in the name lolol

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I’m a big fan of TTC and Kailh silents myself - though I recommend running the latter through Geon’s Trimmer tool before use with any nice keycaps.


I have not tried Kailh silents or any flavor of TTC. My switch experience is limited to mostly Cherry with some Gateron and Kailh Box tossed in. I am in process of trying new things, on the cheaper side though, and tend to favor heavier springs. That means I usually end up modding switches that sound/feel good to me. Anything you can recommend on the heavy end would be greatly appreciated. I’m not looking for totally silent but definitely want a nice muted bottom out.

Why is this?


If you like heavy, you might try Invokeys’ Daydreamer.

As for the Kailhs, I’ve found that many of them are still a little too big for some keycaps. They generally don’t outright split cap stems like that first run of BOXes back in the day, but they do leave visible stress-marks more than the other brands I tested. Using the Trimmer tool on them pretty much brings them in-line with others, significantly reducing the signs of stress on cap stems.

PBT caps are much less of a concern, and some ABS ones also fit on them un-scathed, but any time I want to put a favorite set on them I take the better-safe-than-sorry route.


I considered getting Geon trimmer but decided not to bc most of the keycaps I use are PBT which, AFAIK, is more crack resistant than ABS.


Yes PBT is much more crackproof than ABS IME as well, however PBT is also just as prone to stretching as ABS is too. So even though the stems may not crack those caps will fit other switches loosely. So any switches that are even a tiny bit snugger than regular Cherry stems I will trim down. I have been doing it with a metal artisan cap, but finally snagged a Geon trimmer in my latest order from Divinikey.


Let me know how those Gachapon switches are once you get them in. I was gonna order a batch of them & a batch of the 3.9mm travel Sunset Gleams, but neither were part of Unikeys sale… :unamused:

That’s funny, I allowed myself 1 batch of full price switches and had the 3.9mm sunset gleam in my cart for the longest. Switched to gachapon last second.

Gotta let me know how that Geon trimmer is too. I’ve been considering it, but I wonder if my stretched GMK sets would just fit too loose on the trimmed switches.

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Thanks for the tips. Even though every time I read something here, I need to open my wallet. :see_no_evil:


I am all in for naming switches after hormone names — or (medicinal) drugs for that matter,— as long as the switch characteristics match up with the hormone/drug effect.

Dopamine plays a major role in the motivational component of reward-motivated behavior. The anticipation of most types of rewards increases the level of dopamine in the brain, and many addictive drugs increase dopamine release or block its reuptake into neurons following release.

Melatonine would perhaps have been a better name for a silent key, as this hormone invokes sleep. :zzz:


Decided to take advantage of some NK gift cards I had and their ongoing sale to grab:

  • Key Kobo Signet
  • Honor Dark
  • Olive Noir

Will do, I got a batch of MX purples just waiting for it to show up. That is a possibility, putting a piece of cello tape or plastic baggie over the switch stem usually will tighten the fit up enough for stretched caps IME.


I’m unfamiliar with cello tape, but plumber’s (teflon) tape is also a good / safe stem shim material

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Cello tape is just regular scotch tape. I worked with a guy who called it cello tape & it stuck with me for whatever reason! :rofl: I do really like the plumber’s tape ideal though, better than having something sticking to your stems or having to cut a baggie up into little pieces for sure!

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Are you looking for linears or tactiles?

The Kailh Deep Sea Pro are pretty affordable during sales, and come in both variants.

I would say that they are medium-weight, medium-tactility in the latter case. Crisper on bottom-out than the OUTEMUs. But I wouldn’t say it produces ‘great sound,’ just muted sound.

The TTC Silent Bluish White is a mid-weight medium-tactile and is relatively crisp. Maybe it is close to what you are looking for. The Wuque WS Silent Tactile is fairly heavy and cheap, and some say it is crisper than the average silent. [I think you can mess with heavier springs in these, also.]


I’ve actually cracked stems with scotch tape and even plastic wrap (and yes, baggies too) - I obviously used too much - and that’s what I like about the plumber’s tape: it’s way more forgiving of that, being super soft.


I wonder if rubbing something soft, like crayon, into keycap stem head (+) could work better than tape. Thick lube can make stabs sluggish so even thicker yet reasonably malleable material could potentially make keycaps fit snuggly.

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if someone made small Teflon circles that had a dot of weak adhesive on the back, I would buy them :slightly_smiling_face: Not sure how you would make or package that though.