What did you get in the mail today? (Part 2)

It’s a FCFS in stock tray mount that is restocked every now and then from https://baionlenja.com/

Probably join their discord to find out when more are coming

They make other boards as well.


I’ve seen this board with that finish so many times and yet somehow I just made the association that it looks like an ancient relic. Would be awesome to see it paired with some sort of keycap set that can exhibit the same level of weathering/grime.

What’s the “Oooaoaorrgrhrhhgh” mentioned in the feature list?

My best guess: Oooaoaorrgrhrhhgh is the name of 500lb pet gorilla they hired to scuff their boards professionally.


Yes, I believe that is right. :rofl: :gorilla:

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I’m also trying to figure out what would look good. Maybe the Mecha Kaiju caps since they have swirl patterns on them?? Or cerakeys crazed (cracked/glazed) caps? GMK Symbiote? Or maybe I could get some blank black or gray caps and just antique them?

I have a few hundred keycap sets. Surely I can figure something out, right?


Looks like something from a Tool video, 10/10.

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I’m blanking on an actual set but I think that a nice yellow (not blinding like Hi! Viz or anything) would stand out well against the gray.

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Pixel, put SA X-Wing on it


Had a similar thought when I saw this, “looks like golden-era ILM set design”


I thought about that too… sadly, I never purchased it. I was hoping it would eventually go on sale like the Tatooine set :rofl:

I thought it might be a cool project to try to make something that looks old and worn. But most weathering/antiquing methods don’t really take well to being touched… and wouldn’t feel nice to type on, which is important. I’m wondering… is there some way I can stain PBT at room temperature? Some way to add dirty edges and a splatter or stain here and there? Maybe something like a yellow-brown dye at low temp but let it dry. I feel like that would just rub off.

Hmm… a project! Perhaps I could grab a few sets of 21kb caps and make something that looks similarly scrapped together like x-wing, but then take them even further with some sanding on the edges and stains.


Awesome! it is such a cool thing. Symbiote does indeed look great on it :wink:

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This gives me a silly idea

It would be goofy expensive but I’d love for someone to make weathered metal caps: a set of full thick stainless steel caps, paint them with some durable stuff, and then weather them with abrasion so the paint is all gone from the corners and edges and the rest all scratched to bits… stems would probably be ABS inserts added last.

They’d go great with that case Corsair made ages ago:

Olive drab for an ammo-can style would be one obvious choice, but X-wing and other Star-Wars-y colorways would be great.

There could even be a yellow and black one themed after the loader from Alien…


Premium… but not precious


I’d use something like this but could crack some > 1Us. :crazy_face:

I saw some copper caps pop up recently somewhere, hmm

I wonder if this would work, and I’m looking for input from anyone who may have experience with dying PBT.

First I get a set of light gray or beige PBT caps. Then, put them all in a bucket and shake around to get them mixed up/randomized. Then heat and dye them with black dye but in random batches. Let the first batch sit for 30 seconds, the second for 1min, the third for 1.5min, etc… (I would have to test for timing, of course. Perhaps it would end up more like 2min, 5min, and 8min but I can dial that in)

Or maybe I could get even more complex by doing 6 batches where I process the first 3 batches in black dye and the second 3 batches with the same black but add in a bit of yellow or brown.

I’m also thinking I could go back with a melamine foam or wet sand the edges to remove detail or wear down the dishes slightly to create a worn/typed look. Though, I might avoid too much work with the dish because I want the keycaps to feel uniform to the touch.

Additionally, I could select a few keycaps that are usually together on the board (like wasdfcv) and do those last for 1 min but add dye on top without mixing to create subtle stains.

I think this could work. For me, it’s vital that they feel nice when all is said and done. And doing it this way shouldn’t effect the texture, and the dye won’t rub off over time.

But how to do this and make it look pleasant and weathered? I think the only way to know would be to just try it.

Anyone here with experience in dying PBT to offer some pointers?


Got JTK’s HSA Blush (edit: I mean Pink Powder) and Hyperfuse from Vala today - wow! They look fantastic. My expectations were middling thanks to the inconsistent legend thickness on my HSA BoB sets - and these new sets blow those expectations away. I only took a quick glance as I’m busy with other stuff at the moment, but the legends on both sets look excellent to me; very consistent.


Here’s the metal caps I saw in an ad from IG: https://awekeys.com/products/fullmetalkeycapsset

guffawing. Oooaoaorrgrhrhhgh merch when :gorilla:


wouldn’t carbon steel be easier for that idea? and cheaper…

MOD 007 V3 Hall-effect “Year of the Dragon” edition – came from Akko EU. There are so many gorgeous and affordable alu boards on the market that the price feels a bit steep even with the 10% KBDNEWS coupon code, but the overall design with all the little details is incredible. The color of the three-tone anodization is a bit off compared to the caps, and no VIA support nor layers in the proprietary software, so more for the casual user/gamer than keymap wizards.

(The coupon is only valid in the EU and DE stores, I’m in talks with Akko US so just wait a bit if you are interested in this board.)