Things that make us go... hmmm šŸ¤”

To be fair, you do have to remove the BIC stickerā€¦ :wink:


In Sweden fatherā€™s day is on second Sunday of November. :person_shrugging:


Now, having your lighter stolen wonā€™t be an accident. It will be on purpose.


Ha. I looked back at the email from the actual Fatherā€™s Day sale and it was for 20% off. So this new Fatherā€™s Day I get an additional 5% off. Perhaps the email campaign used the wrong subject to populate the title and intro.


In case yā€™all missed it. The Mechs&Co saga is not looking to have a happy ending.

Sincere apologies for anyone caught up in this fiasco.


Oh wow they have a lot of unfullfilled ordersā€¦ And most of them are unpaidā€¦


Yeah. I have a hubble65 in it. No way to get charge back from that long ago. Boo. I really want the board, too. So Iā€™ll probably buy an extra from whoever sells them off


What is this website? Ever used it?

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I have bought audio stuff from them, but I think they are dipping their toes into keyboards with the help of Kono. Nothing special that I can see, and Kono may just be drop shipping for them until they get more established in the hobby. Their audio stuff isnā€™t too bad, but the keyboard is just copy/paste Kono prices for nowā€¦


Yeah I did notice it was mostly Kono sets. I didnā€™t know if they bought out a bunch of their stock or if it was just a middle man for Kono.

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I got an email from Kono announcing they were getting into the keyboard game, so I assume that they are just a middle-man for them. Apos has great customer service, and they work hard to make things right if there is an issue, so if you do want to order stuff from Kono w/o the fear of them shafting you, I guess you can go through Apos. :man_shrugging:


KEYGEM in EU started with ā€œlootboxesā€, not sure how well that will work out when it is unknown what the selection even is. It looks like each box size have their own thing/things for a month. ā‚¬10 mousepad box is the only one interesting imho

My guess is that all the different mystery/lootboxes stores have is to remove dead stock

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I really cannot justify that cost per switch, especially not from Glorious.



Click-bar switches for a buck eachā€¦ yeah thereā€™s totally reason to do that instead of just buy Speed Bronzes or even Clickiez


It is a different design for the click bar slider, right? Still sounds exactly the same, and probably feels the same as well.


Screen Shot 2023-08-01 at 10.53.29 AM

Looks like it. This photo makes these a little more interesting. I am assuming the click bar is the back opposite of the linear stem so that it can click and activate on actuation? I am assuming this would get you one click too? Instead of the double click of the Kailh switches?


I will say they include a sound test on the main page, and these are not great sounding clickies. Pretty muffled and dead sounding.

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From what I can tell these operate just like Kailhā€™s do - whether or not they make a second audible click probably depends on what that yellow piece is made of. In Kailhā€™s design, that shape is part of the plastic housing and save for the Mute Box Jade, is made of hard plastic. Here I canā€™t tell if the yellow thing is hard or soft - but the stem shape will interact with the bar on the way down and on the way up.


Iā€™m also failing to see how this are substantively different than navies or jades in any way other than price per switch. Think Iā€™ll sit this one out until there are some reviewsā€¦

Looks pretty pricy for a DSA set not made by SP :frowning: