Things that make us go... hmmm 🤔

“today announced that it has reached an agreement to acquire certain assets from Drop”

Certain assets sounds like not everything, and the only part of the business not mentioned is audio but who knows.

I don’t feel like any good can come of this. Drop is just going to veer more hardcore gamer in its aesthetic, while dumping anything “enthusiast.” I don’t trust any keyboard company that churns out boards with 6.5u spacebars.

Edit: Drop just posted the announcement, and disabled comments on it.


You can also see the statement on Drop’s website:

There, it is more plainly stated as “Drop has been acquired by Corsair.”

Also, “So first and foremost, Drop will continue as a brand, team and community within Corsair.”


I suppose by extension that means Corsair now also owns GeekHack… not that I expect any practical changes there - just a thing. :stuck_out_tongue:

I can’t say I like the sound of any of this - I could see it going a few ways. If Corsair is smart, they’ll let Drop do their own thing. It would be a bummer if Drop just turned into Hipster Corsair - it’s close enough to that already with the whole battlestations thing. I’m hoping they let HoffmanMyster more or less keep running the community show there - he’s done a lot of good for Drop imo.


I just came here to post about GeekHack after reading a post on The Verge about it but you beat me to it. I had no idea Drop owned GH.


Yeah, it’s one of the reasons KT was formed. It was going to be sold and probably go the way of Deskthority (sniff), but Drop stepped in and offered him more money. People were skeptical, but Drop has pretty much left it alone. The only change really is that they got Hoff for their community leader, which has been a net positive.


What happened to deskthority?

I’m kind of new to frequenting keeb forums, so I’m unaware of all of the past drama. Frankly, the main thing that drew me to this particular forum is that I was familiar with and really like the Discourse forum software.

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Deskthority was bought by a person that claimed to be a keyboard afficionado, but really wasn’t, and I think has been sold to a marketing firm and is very much up in the air. The former admin (matt3o) was locked out of doing anything to maintain it for a long time and it was full of spam. It’s gotten a bit better, but the future is definitely up in the air, and considering how much information is in the wiki, it’s a shame.

You can read a lot about the state of it last year in this post:

As of now, I don’t think anyone knows who owns it currently. It seems to be in a state of benign neglect.


That sure does look a lot like RAMA’s CAPS profile (formerly KATE, some colors currently in production, others in revision) - I know it’s been vaguely cloned for well over a year now, but these look really close to the keys pictured in RAMA’s sample photos:

Makes me wonder - is Mastars the OEM for CAPS - or are they doing a remarkable job of cloning it? :stuck_out_tongue: (spoiler: they’re the OEM - see below)

Edit: timing may or may not be a coincidence; I got a message from these folks last night - kind of your typical “hey we see you’re a keeb account, we make keeb stuff, call us if you want keeb stuff” kind of thing - but they mentioned that they are indeed the OEM for many well known keeb community names including both RAMA and HIBI - so yes, those are CAPS in those photos. ( it’s happeniiiiing )


Earlier this year we had scented switches - now we got scented keyboard modules.

Apparently that yellow block is the module, and the tan colored relief tile is actually an oil diffuser / release element. You can drip the included (or any other) scented oil onto the element, and it will evaporate oil over time. The adjustable built-in lights surrounding the element might help it evaporate oil a little faster, but who knows.

Well - add this to the list of dodads I never would have imagined integrating with keebs.


Honestly, I don’t hate the idea. I am assuming the tan part would be spongy like the diffuser rods.

Might get kind of messy over time, but actually pretty cool idea.


I have to say I like the fresco.
I’d never consider adding a fragrance oil to it, but I do like how it looks!

This guy who just spilled 300ml of smoothie on his keyboard.


I got a sample of one of those scented Little Daisy switches. I’ll be real… it reminded me more of floral-scented diapers than actual flowers. :stuck_out_tongue:

Otherwise seems like a really nice silent, though.


Happy Father’s Day in July, everyone.


I wonder if they were doing A/B testing on their last email and forgot to update either the A or the B version, because the email I received from Zeal didn’t mention Father’s Day at all.

Honestly, I feel like Father’s Day in July is 10x more acceptable than an $80 aluminum enclosure for your disposable Bic mini lighter…



Norbauer has the Heavy and now RAMA has a Lighter…

Makes sense. :face_with_monocle:


Ha. Perfect. And they also are both metal enclosures build to hold pre existing OEM items that were plastic.


Well I will say this. For being expertly machined I see a lot of tooling marks. Also, thats just going to make it so the whole case gets hot being made of aluminum. :face_with_monocle:


lol to make it a true Norbauer experience, Rama should have you carefully disassemble the Bic to put the components inside the metal case.

The Heavy is lovely, but if I want a metal lighter I think I’ll just buy a Zippo.