Things that make us go... hmmm šŸ¤”

Yeah. Iā€™ve been interested in trying Razer Oranges or Yellows for the memes. I believe the only way to get them is to desolder them off a Razer board?

The old ones, yes. However their newer switches are all for sale either through Razer or on Aliexpress.

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Now, Gateronā€™s naming conventions have always been about as consistent as rocky road ice cream so this is nothing new - but theyā€™ve got another curiously named switch on the pile.

As far as I can tell, this is a short-travel version of a G-Pro 2.0 Gateron linear.

The Baby Kangaroo, ostensibly where the naming convention for the Baby Racoon comes from, is also a short-travel G-Pro 2.0 switchā€¦ which itself is derivative of a short-travel Ink switch. Whatā€™s in a name? Probably nothing other than a cute thought - but since it appears to be another Pro 2.0, itā€™s likely a very solid pre-lubed linear.


Iā€™m poking around on Redbubble for sticker designsā€¦ I think Iā€™ve found some great ones - very few remaining naked jars, ha. My hmm for today is less bemused skepticism and more mild dilemma:

For my new Namazu switches, named after a mythical giant black catfish, which would be more fun?

Cool ukiyo-e print styled illustration with comparatively lame pseudo-Japanese typeface

~ or ~

This character from a Final Fantasy game I never played?


I like the ukiyo-e print. Have to admit though, it took me a bit longer than it should have to realize that the text isnā€™t actually japanese

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The former, definitely.

I think the second one is better.

I have a theory about why silent T1s are called ā€œShrimpsā€;

Maybe itā€™s the black dampener visible from the outside, reminding someone of a shrimpā€™s ā€œveinā€




Visible poop chute! Good theory

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SP production queues seriously behind according to Vala supply. DCS behind by 2 months and SA production queue is a whopping 6 months behind.

Glad Iā€™m not waiting on any in either queue.


Iā€™ve wondered if it was something lost in translation where the dampened switch sounds are lesser/diminished/smaller than regular tactile switches. small ~ shrimp :person_shrugging:

But the shrimp intestine theory is more fun.


Offtopic but does anyone know what this deskmat is? Typing the text into a search engine doesnā€™t result in anything even close.

Iā€™m guessing itā€™s a design TKC uses for their photos - I havenā€™t seen it for sale. If it was it would be from them though.

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It would be great without the text! Nice colours :star_struck:

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This lube jar, a huge chunk of glass with the lube on top of it.


Iā€™m an optimistā€¦ itā€™s 1/2 fullā€¦

Oh wait, itā€™s brand new.


At first I was surprised, why is the the jar empty and so clean? but the content actually sits above the glass, kind of like it.

Canā€™t actually know if the 205g0 and the XHT-DBZ are really 3ml and 1.5ml but even that little amount of XHT-DBZ will last a lot of keyboards with how little you need to use.


Yes, Iā€™ve lubed 4 or 5 sets of stabilizers with XDBZ and I canā€™t even tell Iā€™ve used it. I still prefer dielectric though. Not sure why, but I have better results :man_shrugging:

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hereā€™s a thing that made me go hmmā€¦

All of my landscaping is apparently dead. I guess that really cold snap we had a bit back killed everything. Holy smokes. Entire town is going to need new landscaping. Odd. Nandinasā€¦ dead. Hawthornsā€¦ dead. Some holly bushesā€¦ dead.


Same. My modest northern California town has been underwater for days now. More to come too.