Things that make us go... hmmm šŸ¤”

That cold snap was something else.

Iā€™ve been getting accustomed to the no-running-water life; my pipes froze and burst on Christmas Eve when it got below -6 F ambient. Happened to lots of folks around here who have un-insulated pipes and/or crawlspaces - a week later and all the plumbers are still too booked to even estimate when they could come take a look. :upside_down_face:

you still dont have water???!

Ha, Iā€™m thinking of it like a camping trip with a big wooden tent.

I could get a corporate plumber from the nearest big town, but the distance and nature of the call make for a huge fee just to take a look. The local guys are good but are still totally overwhelmed - theyā€™ll catch up eventually. In the meantime Iā€™m getting by water-wise with help from some local fam.


Man, thatā€™s rough. I bet youā€™re looking forward to a nice hot shower.

And here in Europe we have it much warmer than we should have this time of the yearā€¦ Hmm

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Iā€™m trying to figure out what Iā€™m supposed to do. My landscaping has been in place for almost 15 years. Itā€™s never had issues. I will have to redo the landscaping in the spring I guess. But itā€™s going to be at least $10k

And what do I plant? It has to survive 110+ degrees F in the summer and well below 0F in the winters?


Oh, and Iā€™m sure it will be a breeze finding someone to do the work and get the plants, right? Since like the entire town will also be in need.


Weā€™re probably in the early phase of a new ice age for sure and likely living during a very pivotal moment in history.


Cat is sick and not doing well. Visit to the vet was $1380.



Oof, sorry my friend. Iā€™m unfortunately in the same boat. We had to hospitalize ours over New Yearā€™s and it was just shy of $800. I hope yours is on their way to a speedy recovery though!

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What in the hell is this?


Unsure! But given Dropā€™s ongoing ā€œwarehouse outageā€ issues, it will ship circa 2026.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Okay so what if we had a Nintendo Switch - but it wasnā€™t a Switch - it was a KEYBOARD

  • Huh, sounds neat - can it play Switch games?


Heh. Someone should post this to both the r/switchmodders (keyboards) and r/SwitchHacks (console) subreddits.


ā€˜We heard you like switches so made a keyboard based on the Switch where you can hotswap your switches in a keyboard based Switch!ā€™

It does have a knob and a joystick and Iā€™m now questioning if joysticks are going to be next new thing on keyboardsā€¦


Analog stick looks so good (not mine)


That does look cool. If the board was lightweight enough, that might be nice for playing SNES games on the PC

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Switches that smell like daisiesā€¦.? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: (I have no sense of smell, so maybe itā€™s just me who finds thisā€¦hmmmā€¦:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)


Ha, well thatā€™s one way to set your HaiMu silents apart from the rest - just mix some fragrance in there!

Honestly though, I have to wonder if this will affect the plasticā€¦ and Iā€™m curious how strong they smell, ha. Maybe SwitchOddities will get some samples of these.


Wouldnā€™t it be just plain weird m/confusing if your keyboard smelled like flowers? :cherry_blossom: from what I heard air fresheners never quite smell like the real thingā€¦

Funny story, we once had a mouse die in the heating ducts and of course I didnā€™t notice a thing having the smell blasted about me all dayā€¦(not being able to smell can have its advantages :wink:), when my partner came back they just about it es around to leave the house. So, I thought Iā€™ll fix it and sprayed air freshener ā€œSuddenly Springā€ into the central went and said ā€œbetter now?ā€ And they said ā€œit smells like something died in the springā€¦ā€ :crazy_face:


So, I donā€™t know if anyone has smelled a Daisy, but the ones that grow wild here in Oregon and those we can get in the plant shop (usually Gerber) donā€™t have any other smell apart from ā€œplantā€. So Iā€™m super curious what ā€œDaisyā€ smells like to whoever created these.

I assume it will be somewhere in the neighborhood of ā€œFresh Airā€ as defined by Glade.