Things that make us go... hmmm šŸ¤”

Indeed - though if they sold out of those things at $5 a pop, I bet they made a killing. It looks to me like some sections of small plastic tubing with wire-cap ends on them as grips probably well under a buck of materials there.

Personally, Iā€™d still prefer those specialized pliers you recommended a while back - but including something like these things with stabs might be a good-guy move, ha.


Very true. I bet the profit margin on something like this is respectable. Iā€™m just thinking why make a profit once, when you can do it multiple times. This tool fixes warped wires, like a hundred or so before it most likely needs to be replaced. But if you sold straight wires, peeps would need your product each and every time they built a board. I know I would. Cha-ching.

Iā€™m thinking to do this, you canā€™t bend the wire at all. Youā€™d have to stencil it in its final form then cut it out of a solid object. I think the very act of bending the wire to form the right angles is what causes the unintended warpage.

These are still my go-to for initial straightening. For those little tweaks done by hand, I just use a band-aid on the finger acting as the fulcrum to the lever pressure Iā€™m exerting. No worries.

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100% agree it would be nice if gmk could actually say hey today started keycap set xzy. I get not wanting to show pictures or give eta.

This is the most complete vendor list I have come across 96 sets in production :roll_eyes:


LOL, they just put everything in production for Q1 2023. Q1 gonna be lit for GMK.

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Thereā€™s also this list, which includes original estimates for reference

Historically speaking, compared to all the sets run in 2020 which mostly shipped a full year or more after the estimate, the latest sets to ship have ā€œonlyā€ been about 6 months late.


Well damnā€¦ My 2023 hopes of being out of GMK GBs are already dashed :pleading_face:

(My last GMK purchase was March 2022. Still a dead heat race with Rama caps though)

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SA Espresso is shipping out.


Photo from Reddit:



Hopefully itā€™s just overly blue light. The bottom three rows could be correct in proper lighting, but Iā€™m not holding my breath for the top three.


Somebody put too much cream in their cup it seems.


Took me a while to figure out what was going on, but this is pretty cool if it works well:

I had seen the Screen but wasnā€™t sure how the keys work. Apparently you can change out the key frame assembly to have either linear or tactile switches, both a full 4mm travel. Iā€™m going to guess itā€™s some sort of hall effect mechanism. Switches and plate appear to be fully clear with sliders slightly visible on the West and East of the switches.

Profile of the keys looks to be completely flat, which is pretty crappy. But weā€™ve never seen it from the side. Definitely not an end-game solution, but itā€™s pretty cool.



I donā€™t see the appeal of the transparent keyboards, I have the PC screen for that, but maybe Iā€™m not the target audience.

Iā€™m interested in their solution to stabilizing the bigger keys, because they donā€™t seem to have stabilizers.

I guess it relates to the sides of the keys, which seem to have the sliding mechanism.


This one got a big hmmm from me.

OnePlus is making an aluminum gasket mount board?


This will be interesting to look at :slight_smile:

The keyboard having Macbook layout makes me thing itā€™s not the traditional mechanical keyboard we might think about.

Edit: maybe Iā€™m wrong, but maybe it will be low-profile? who knows, so far theyā€™re collaborating with Keychron so it will probably turn out fine.

Poster says the stems got faded over time, I wonder if this happned while the switches were covered with keycaps.


Iā€™d bet it has more to do with oxidation where the portion covered by the keycap probably experienced less thus not darkening as much. Just a guess though.

Hmmmā€¦ Are these Razer Yellows? My first thought were Gat Yellows but donā€™t think there are any tactile varients of them.

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Yep, I can see the ā€œRazerā€ log on one on the far right when I zoom in.

I think Razer had orange tactile switches, but IIRC they also had yellow switchesā€¦ so I donā€™t know if itā€™s the inside that oxidized or the outside that fadedā€¦