Things that make us go... hmmm šŸ¤”

From what I can tell these operate just like Kailhā€™s do - whether or not they make a second audible click probably depends on what that yellow piece is made of. In Kailhā€™s design, that shape is part of the plastic housing and save for the Mute Box Jade, is made of hard plastic. Here I canā€™t tell if the yellow thing is hard or soft - but the stem shape will interact with the bar on the way down and on the way up.


Iā€™m also failing to see how this are substantively different than navies or jades in any way other than price per switch. Think Iā€™ll sit this one out until there are some reviewsā€¦

Looks pretty pricy for a DSA set not made by SP :frowning:


Wow. That price is really disappointing. I guess Keboardio makes super premium keycaps? Iā€™ve never owned any. I thought they just make some funky split keyboard. I didnā€™t realize they were a manufacturer.

Yeah, looking more, the samples were produced in XDA profile, which is something keyboardio has made and has available on their site. So theyā€™ve probably never actually made a DSA set?

For the ā€œpreorder discountā€ of $150? Hmmā€¦ thatā€™s just ā€¦ hmm

Iā€™m really hesitant about reverse dye-sub from a company I havenā€™t really seen a lot of caps come from. Especially at that price, it seems like a big gamble.

Keycap that Runs Doom

from Geekhack




damn, thatā€™s pretty bold. Seems like an easy one to shut down. Very obviously intending to mislead


Their terms of service :person_facepalming:


oh, well i guess that covers it. nothing to see hereā€¦ :rofl: :rofl:



What even is trademark?

Itā€™s not like someone could start a company called ā€œFord Carsā€ or ā€œApple Devicesā€ - thereā€™s this legal thing called Likelihood of Confusion


Youā€™re all being incredibly narrow-minded about this. Any free thinkers interested in a good conversation can join me on KeebTalk Keyboard Forum Website (not affiliated with


Itā€™s a contest between Ability to tell theyā€™re not GMK vs Likelihood of Confusion.

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Damn. I just got an ad for that website on my Instagram.

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Researchers steal passwords using keyboard sounds | PCWorld


I wonder if the AI has more difficulty training on keyboards with very consistent sounds across the deck, or if itā€™s sensitive enough that it really doesnā€™t matterā€¦ but if they can detect gravitational waves with lasers and see through walls with WiFi signals I guess itā€™s not much of a stretch.

Maybe the cheat is to bake your password into a macro, or have a dedicated password pad :stuck_out_tongue:

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I mean, side channel attacks (link 1, link 2) are only going to get more prevalentā€¦

Welcome to the future :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

P.S. Have fun in your cybersecurity careers, clicky switch enjoyers!!!


I picked up some (not New) North Pole V2s for posterity since they arenā€™t being made anymore, and was fiddling with them last night - I was curious if that little yellow pad nobody likes is removable.

Yep, it is. :yellow_circle:

I do like the switches more without it - and also found that you can pretty easily install it in other MX-style switches. So if you wanted to full-silent your JWICK Half-Silents, well bam hereā€™s aā€¦ sort of easy way. (Actually not so easy; simple to install, less so to remove from the donor thanks to small spaces.)

What Iā€™d actually like to know is if Gateron will sell me a bag of them on their own, especially since theyā€™re not currently using them for anythingā€¦ >.>


Layers is the trick.

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Layers and switching out keyboard layouts, switches, and keycaps like every other day should thwart the spies following me. :disguised_face:

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