I am using a regular 27in monitor and I was wondering if others who were using widescreen/large monitors were also seeing a lot of empty space on the sides
I’ll look tonight to see if mine does that, but I usuall have it on one of my side monitors that are smaller, so it doesn’t look too bad. My widescreen monitor is reserved for games and browsing mostly.
I use an ultrawide monitor and I never maximize anything, I have no idea why you would. All websites look like crap at that width, literally all of them. But this one looks better than most, since it locks it width down (which is definitely the best practice). Optimally there should never be any text on the web that is wider than 75 characters.
I could open and read KT three times next to each other on my 4k setup if maximized the browser window, but a lot of times its running windowed and its fine.
Yes and no. My main monitor is a 27" 1440p monitor, and it is the only one in landscape mode. But I use displayFusion and have it “cut up” into sections, so I don’t have this issue, at all.
Mine looks like that on my 27 inch monitor. I wonder how this would look on a 35 inch ultrawide. I am using a 27" 4k. I will be switching to a single 1440p 35" UW.
I’m still on a 1920x1080 monitor, so there’s not that much empty space on the sides even if I maximize my browser window. I don’t like to maximize, though, so it looks fine normally