Glorious GMMK Pro

Hang on - Alt + F4 is for god mode, isn’t it?


Snip from Switch and Click

Well, that’s a strange design decision in my book. Why didn’t they pull the bezel up a tiny bit more to cover the switches’ privates?


So what’s with the gasket talk around this? Some say it’s just “gasket” but not really Gasket ™. I’m not knowledgeable on this. Please enlighten.

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Outlined in this vid - GMMK Pro Review: Glorious Game Changer? - YouTube

There can be a different implementation of gaskets, but one of the main goals is that you want the plate to be cushioned between two soft sponges. You need room for the sponge to be expanded and soft. If you flatten the sponge/gasket too much, you have now created a hard surface… which defeats the purpose of why you added sponge in the first place.


I just made a TKL, turns out the function keys on MacOS do jack… guess I will have lots of space to program custom things :man_shrugging:


Any idea when the ISO version will be launched?

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Most frustrating part of owning a TKL or above, you would think it wouldn’t be that hard for macos to translate 12 keycodes.


This drove me nuts for a while. There’s a setting to toggle whether they behave like macOS keys by default or regular F keys. Since the board doesn’t have a (macOS) FN key, this setting will be like toggling whether or not it is held. Saved me so much irritation once I learned that - hopefully it solves yours as well .


Oh how the tides have changed. I will not get a GMMK Pro. :grin:

Il leave this here and say I am really shocked at how some people apprently behaved, Its really appalling to know. At the end of the day I want more people in this hooby so it comes out of the niche.
Some aparently see their status quo challenged. Criticism is one thing but if we see appalling comments we should, as a community, make sure the people sayiong such shit know we dont consider them part of this. I loved this hobby because it mostly seemed positive to me.


Thanks Ben, I didn’t do anything like that.

Picking up strong Sippenhaft vibes from that tweet and I don’t like it.

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He doesnt say everyone did. He just informed people to listen to the last part and that it’s sad some people did?
He spoke out against bullying and its good he did. He just says guys listen to what happened?

If everyone always spoke up when they witness bullying the way people pipe up to say: i didnt do anything I think less people would be bullied.

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He explicitly addressed “mech keyboard enthusiasts”. Why address any group in particular? He could have just generally mentioned Betty’s “real talk” segment so it gets more attention, fine. But I consider myself a part of that specific group he addressed and I don’t bully people.

In my book it’s never a good idea to talk about a community as a whole if you really mean to address a handful of people that are a part of it. It’s not even a social thing or a matter of respect, it’s just wrong deduction. Either address whom you’d like to address or keep it unspecific.

But then again, what kind of PR skills do I expect from the company that calls their over-lubed, non-standard dimension stabilizers “GOAT”? :smile:

So let’s not hijack this thread for philosophy and get back to frowning upon those luby stabs. I know I started the detour and I’m sorry about that. :kissing:


I’ve seen a few store pages in Europe indicate July 2021 but I guess that doesn’t factor in the logistics trouble the manufacturer is having at the moment. So let’s hope they ship the ISO keyboards directly to European ports that aren’t as backed up as the ones in the US right now.

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My complaint about that situation with Betty wasn’t with Betty at all and fully on Glorious. The fact that viewers or people of various keyboard communities threw hate, toxicity, and general unpleasantry towards Betty is stupid at best. If at all, it should be directed at Glorious. It’s their product, their marketing, and direction for the stream.

I agree with both thicthock and APC-7 here:

  1. Bullying and idiotic toxicity is not welcome.
  2. Ben shouldn’t be calling out mech keeb enthusiasts as a whole group. It’s also an unacceptable oversight of wording to call out all enthusiasts. It’s simply bad PR.

To APC-7’s point, Ben simply could have said ‘I sincerely hope you listen’.


Hmm, maybe not then. :joy:

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I agree here. It’s like he is trying to put up a line between keyboard enthusiasts and gamers. But let’s look at the context of his account. Though his posts look and act like he is some kind of influencer, the numbers aren’t there. He’s trying to ducktype his way into clout.
That being said, in this internet where trolling/bullying even makes its way into retail stock trading, it does feel like the keyboard community is mostly a positive one and we should do everything we can to protect that.


I don’t think this is entirely fair; who is and isn’t an influencer isn’t really a metrics thing, it’s up to the people who follow them and how much weight those followers give to their words and actions. Somebody with a hundred followers who really value what they have to say has influence.

Everybody starts somewhere, and my read is that Ben is trying to use his position and platform as an employee to push for change among the people who pay attention to what his employer does. I think that’s worth valuing, even if maybe he isn’t perfect at it. Maybe I’m wrong, though.


I am not willing to deep dive into the: not all of us. Because we should know better from discussions as #notallmen and #notallpolice that THAT is exactly not what was meant.

He is calling on the community to listen, aknowledge and help stop such commentary. We are a community and it is on all of us to shape it as a space.
We were not accused but asked to make sure if we come across it, we see it and stop it.
That isnt accused its asked to listen and help.
I dont know why people felt personally attacked or pointed out?

I didnt cause I would never let bullying pass me nor did I bully anyone. So why should I feel attacked?


You are right.

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