Glorious GMMK Pro

Dude from Glorious is just trying to cover his ass for putting Betty in a bad spot & deflecting his mistakes upon our community IMHO. After seeing the POS board they shat out & wanna call enthusiast grade, I don’t need to see anything else to let me know this is mostly a cash grab on their side. Sure it doesn’t reflect well upon our community that some are handling this like a bunch of asshats. Although I do not for a second believe Glorious cares about this community or anyone in it. They care for the money we spend & keeping an image decent enough to keep selling in this community. We live in a world of greys where even someone tweeting against objectively abhorrent behavior can & usually does have an ulterior motive to do so.

and this is why I believe the hatred for a company soured comments.

The board isnt a POS cashgrab. Its not bad and maybe that angers people. Its not top notch either. I remember it being marketed as an entry board into the hobby not as enthusiast grade.

Also…wow the language…

For reference purposes, have a pic of some actual POS keyboards:

I know, I know … :smile:


While I certainly think Glorious isn’t a great company, and I’m personally not terribly impressed, I think this is a little much. I agree that Betty was probably scapegoated by glorious, and that is a shitty thing to do. I don’t think any product in the keyboard space is “shat out” and although it may be derivative of the top 50 posts in r/mk from this year, it undeniably fills a niche that needs filling, and will be at least a decent product for its market, which is mostly not us, Keebtalk regulars.


You are right the product is not directed at us who have been in the hobby for awhile, but more directed towards beginners which is why I feel like it was just shat out. I mean let’s look at it with a critical eye. It’s super stiff no matter what plate material you use with it, it’s stuffed full of foam to make it sound decent, the plate is punched out (which is a horrible move IMO), & the gaskets literally do nothing beyond check a box on paper. What would you think of higher end keyboards & the people who buy them after getting that pile crap as your introduction to the hobby? I think it’s gonna sour more people to the hobby than usher in.

So that leads me to start thinking “why would they opt to fill a list up with buzzwords instead of just making it a decent regular top mount or tray mount keyboard?” That would not only make more sense in a functional product way, but serve to make the KB even cheaper & a better value proposition. To me that says Glorious is not worried about how the board feels or works, they’re just worried that it’ll hit the right hype marks, look decent, & sell.

You can look through my post history on here or any other site or platform I talk KBs on & see I was willing to give Glorious a shot. Although after seeing the board inside & out I just honestly feel like it is a cash grab from them. I see no value or worth in this product as it will not give a newcomer a great entry experience into the hobby & only serve to skew their opinion on truly high end boards & those who buy/build them.

I mean if you don’t know nothing about the MKB hobby & go for one of these you’re gonna think it’s hot shit since it hits all the en vogue marks on paper. Then when you get it in your hands & realize all the marketing spiel means nothing with this board since it really isn’t a huge step up from gaming & prebuilt boards. Not only will you be unhappy with the GMMK Pro, but will also probably think the whole hobby is a sham full of people with their heads up their own asses. At least that’s how I’m feeling about it being honest.


ew ew ew DELETE THAT

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This is a fair and balanced assessment of the situation, I didn’t initially understand what you meant by shat out, but the additional explanation you’ve provided is reasonable. I’ve generally been dismissive of glorious’ products as derivative and trying to capitalize on the strongman gamer aesthetic that Badseed caters to. (I personally think badseed makes good content but his overly masculine on camera persona sometimes gets in the way of that enjoyment) Thank you for explaining your opinion a little more, I think we basically agree glorious bad.

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I dont even consider myself that. Yes I built my own board and am buying and modding more. But fact is also I am poor and I cant afford the super high end sets no matter how much I want to.

Does that make me less of an enthusiast? I am a super happy person cause I got a lite 67 this year and the Superuser nk65 edition. Would i want something from keycult or Rama or mekanisk? Heck yea but I also cant afford that.

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I’m not at all advocating for gatekeeping or that only high end customs are good. I personally prefer them, but there are plenty of budget boards, much cheaper than the gmmk pro, that you can make sound/feel better for less, even if you want hotswap! I don’t want no budget boards, I just want good budget boards, look at the NK65, Ikki68, Kara, Bauer lite. all of those boards are cheaper than this and better, and the NK65 is still in stock!

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as I said pretty happy with my choice for lite67 and nk67. Especially since I want to change switches constantly and my desoldering is sometimes really off.
I pulled out of this board since I said this isnt a price I am in for right now.

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Glorious follow the trends that we see those last years on lots of ICs, that is advertising on foam and gasket usage (even if the implementation is flawed).
This is called marketing and obviously the goal is to sell as much keyboards as possible.
Is it bad ? Not at all, and you can also see the trend with IC runners were mercantile goals is more and more obvious.
Alfter all you have to see the value proposition of the product and decide yourself if it is something for you.

I find the GMMK pro not bad at all for a start and very well priced.
They picked good ideas from the custom scene, like PCB mount stabs and high profile case for example.

Now is their strategy of an affordable CNC aluminium case good ?
Time and sales numbers will tell us.
This is also a dangerous move, with potential customer support problems as anyone can open the case without breaking the warranty.

I think that NovelKeys, Omnitype and others from the custom scene to provide cheap injection molded case is a better value proposition, because it is cheaper and plastic is more forgiving in term of sound.

The irony is that we see custom keyboard companies go back to injection molded plastic for cost reasons, like we seen for years by big brands like Filco, Ducky, Leopold and so on.
… while Glorious used to injection molded plastic playing catchup with a CNC metal case :smiley:

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I did instantly think of those other ‘#not all’ arguments in this case. I was mainly hoping to bridge the two seemingly opposing points of view together.

Possible ulterior motives aside, the call out is necessary. That wording could easily have been generalized to avoid that kind of feeling.

It might not be fair to compare this situation to the systemic issues surrounding police brutality, sexual harassment/abuse, etc. Would the same intensity of toxicity have happened if the reveal was done with someone male, such as Taeha or Alexotos?..very possibly not. But that’s another level of discussion too.

Assuming we’ve come to a level of understanding, and to move forward with the main topic:

If you ignore the marketing and look at the board and price for what it is, it could still be that ‘higher end’ keyboard for those who don’t want to deep dive into the custom keyboard world.

It definitely is an attempt to incorporate all the hype words and keyboard features people have been talking about. Those that want something like a high-end keyboard can get the GMMK Pro and feel like they’re grasping at that experience, and be completely satisfied.

It’s not for me, and that’s 100% okay.

Maybe it would be better to view it as a high-end inspired keyboard, and not a keyboard that is attempting to be high end at all.

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I hope they make a Bluetooth or 2.4Ghz option in a future version.


I have the GMMK Pro on reservation, I wonder if I should cancel my reservation after watching Glarses reaction video on some reviews. The gasket mount implementation is so poor that I think ID80 V2 with weight would be a better value. Also, I’m from SEA so idobao shipping would be cheaper than using freight forwarder from the US.


Not sure if you’d want to sacrifice the F-keys, but if you like flex and don’t want to spend a ton of dough, the KBD67L is a good option for that.


Haha. I need F-keys for my daily driver at work. I already have TKC’s Portico coming, which is gasket mount as well.


So you gonna buy the keyboard?


I probably will at some point when the extras (pc plate, knobs) are available here. I am definitely eyeing the coiled cables.

One thing I find interesting about this topic and some of the talk I have been hearing, everyone is ripping the GMMK Pro’s firm typing feel. I can see the point, gasket should not really equal firm, but the NK65 is supposed to have a really firm typing feel as well. NovelKeys did not seem to get nearly as critical of a response. I am assuming this just has to do with the reputation of the two companies…

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its basically that gmmk is seen not as a company wanting to broaden the hobby but as someone people feel steals the hobby. While other companies like kbdfans could push out whatever cheap breakable stuff for 150 and would be hailed a hero, gmmk tries to broaden their palette and people shit on it.
Reading them tho shows just HOW much they listen and try to do better. Take the soundtest for example. After their videos were ripped and they got harassed instead of shutting down they talked to people on reddit and twitter and tried to do better.
Why isnt that mentioned? Why are we still mentioning the panda thing? Heck they even changed their name because people said it was a Nazi name…BTW I dont see people shitting on the PCMR subreddit like the shat on glorious.
People need to hate someone see some posts above.

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