I mean there is no clap or anything first so we know just how loud this is.
Then what I found positive is the stab sound
also Here you can hear actual typing after mods (he switched to Durock stabs and added more foam)
https ://clips.twitch.tv/EnjoyableMoralSoybeanYee-2Do3gw64Y1gYdwdu (take out space after https)
And that tells me it sounds just fine.
And here is the black board:
https ://www.twitch.tv/videos/936034287?t=00h28m08s (take out space after https)
I am really confused by the hate this board suddenly receives? its not like these mods are out of your way because people usually do them. I mean he used switches that I find really odd. Why not use a more standard set like milkies, zeal or alpacas for example?
I have mixed feelings on the sound in GPCGR’s clip there. On one hand, I think it’s a huge advancement compared to the GMMK and it has a deepness I like… but I don’t think I like the reverb / ring that follows the spacebar.
As far as the builds on stream, I like the way the polycarb plate sounds. I like PC plates in general, and for a mass market board I’m impressed. I’d be a lot more impressed if I hadn’t heard the KBD67L first, and at least in my own head-space, that raised the bar significantly when it comes to entry and/or mass-market boards.
Yea I am thinking I might go with polycarb. their recording was badly done and I am really not sure why they havent reached out to someone like badseed or anyone who has a proper recording up on their channel. The mic picks up the whole empty room.
I’ve never even heard of that person so… might be why they weren’t selected. And that person doesn’t sound very professional anyways…so they probably dodged a bullet with that one.
the sound tests all left me very unimpressed so…im glad i didn’t choose to join in. it’s pretty cheap though and it’s great that it’s so accessible. It’s simply not what I want in a board and would rather save my money on quality =D