I finished this finally and it would be on my desk, but Windows is currently not on speaking terms with this device (even though it will let me flash it). So I’ve got a new USB socket on order as that’s about the only thing I can think of that could cause a problem.
where do you get these switch tester/holder things?
I got them from here 104 Slot Mechanical Keyboard Switch Tester by Kelowna | Flashquark
- NovelKeys big switch
- Elite C
- 3d printed stand 3d print finds
- Spray-painted matt black
- Silicone feet SKUF Silicone Rubber Keyboard Feet – Keebio (thanks for the tip @sarvopari
- Adafruit Nano RGB ring
- Lubed filmed and silenced
- Tweaked the leaf a little bit to remove metallic ping (it changes the actuation point to be pretty quick)
- Flashed with VIAL
(Took some ideas for silencing from Taeha Types youtube video)
Build photos: https://imgur.com/a/X7bmFwf
Does that fold up like a binder notepad?! That is a pretty clever idea.
Sadly it does not. I was thinking about that, but I would need to make a mechanical hinge, the wires alone wouldn’t support it. So those are pin headers soldered in there and bent.
I’m really interested in how you lubed but most of all filmed a switch as big as this. Did you have to cut your own film?
Lubing was 205g0 in all the usual places and Film was the scraps from deskey films (the negative part you would normally throw away). I do not know if the film did anything, maybe slightly absorbed some reverb but could be a placebo effect.
I think @Deadeye was trying out using some special tape for a similar DIY film.
Still a cool look
Nicely done.
Recieved my Pee Pee Poo Poo Keyboard Carnival Round 3 by @Dr.Doof yersterday and could not resist to build it.
As the PCB is flexy as hell I went with light 55g long springs inside Gat Blacks V2 (stem lubed with 205g0 and filmed).
I was planning to used DSS late harvest keycaps but they are not delivered yet so went with Kam Wraith.
Uniform profiles are very 40% friendly and specially this one with modifier keys that have original naming.
Here is the result:
The board is very flexy and bouncy, it is very pleasing to type on.
The sound is creamy and quite deep.
The finishing is top notch and the fitting is tight.
The while POM is deliciously finished with a light bead blast, I’d love to see the black POM version irl to compare.
Overall I am very happy with the result and would like to congratulate @Dr.Doof for having executed a flawless GB.
Awesome build, Kam definitely goes great on minivans.
*also its Poo Poo Pee Pee, not pee pee poo poo
Oh no, I did the mistake… Sry
Easy mistake. Just think about the order they usually come out and you can keep it straight, right?
I thought of starting a new thread, but this should suffice:
Ultimate Stab Rattle Assessment/Rant V1 (Warning, long because I wanna make sure every bit of my anger goes out)
Now let’s tear down what a stab is, from the very bone. There are 3 parts.
The wire:
The housing:
The stem:
Now, what is known as “rattle” or “ticking” is comprised of these culprits:
The wire
The stem
The housing
Sound familiar?
This is because the wire rattles around the stem hole. When that happens, the wire hits the stem, which gets amplified by the housing, and it sucks. So much that it drives a 12-year-old to type on a keyboard forum about how much it sucks.
Some common fixes for this are:
The Epsi Mod (tried, doesn’t work for me)
The Holee Mod (Better than Epsi for me, but still ticks)
Wire-Wrap Mod (have not tried, but doubt of quality)
Dialectric grease, Plugging the Butt (sus naming, btw) (ew.)
BDZ’ing, Same thing as Dialectric, less sticky (no, if anyone has some that they don’t need, pm me)
Crying-in-the-corner-because-your-stabilizer-you-bought-2-weeks-ago-still-tick-because-you-can’t manage-to-find-way-to-de-tick-them (Ticking is still there lol)
So now, we have some data. it just may be me, but no mod works. But, there may be something that I’m doing wrong:
1: Bad Bandaids (maybe they aren’t thicc enough)
2: Bad Wire: (maybe Wild Cat was right)
3: Bad Stem (as for my luck, I may have gotten a defective/bad tolerance stem)
4: Bad Stabilizers (I got mine from Amazon, although they are certified dealers. Fake stabs all along?)
Conclusion (for now):
1: Buy a proper modding kit (Will purchase Stab Soulmate from C3 Equalz.)
2: Try other stabs (Since C3 stabs come with the modding kit, I may just buy one set of them)
3: Get some BDZ (I know some who swear by this thing, will see)
If anyone has any of the items listed, you know who’s gonna be mowing lawns
Thanks and will update when items arrive.
I usually order Durock stabilizers from either PrimeKeyboards or Prevail. Sometimes I buy Zeal stabilizers. I haven’t had any bad ticking issues in years. Maybe I’m lucky.
205g0 on the stem and stem housing interior. Dielectric Grease on the wire ends. For extra detail, I always put a light coating of DG on the housing where the wire snaps in, as well as the interior wall of the stabilizer housing where the wire could make contact (orange arrows). You can even pregrease the wire hole before you put even more grease in it on the wire
I don’t ever put anything on the middle portion of the wire or under the stabilizers. I’ve never seen a need for it. I will say, I’ve built some boards for friends with really bad/cheap stabilizers, and my usual mods did not fix the noise as well on those. So there is definitely value in spending a bit extra on stabilizers. The only reason I ever use Zeal stabilizers is when the plate cutout is too tight for Durock. I use cherry stabilizers (clip-in) whenever the build uses an o-ring mount. For Cherry I still clip the stems. Then I do the same as on Durock and Zeal stabs, which is shown below:
Blue is where I apply 205g0, orange is Dielectric Grease:
I would like to try staebies at some point. Hopefully they’ll be widely available this year.