What is on your desk today?

I had to wait ages for the sun to reach sufficient intensity to snap a decent pic :rofl: Other than that frustration it is a great set.


DSA Deep Space is the one kit I wish I never sold. At least I sold it to a friend that really wanted it.

This looks great. The yellow bars fit really well.


Giving SillyWorks Hyacinth V2 linears a proper try starting last night - I’m really liking them so far. Buttery, bright, and heckin’ stable.


With today’s incredible variety and ever improving quality I can’t say these are unique, but they are at least a little bit outstanding. It’s not hard to find factory-smooth switches these days, and it’s not even hard to find ones that sound nice and clean from the bag - but ones that are smooth, clean, and remarkably low on the wobble all at the same time, well - that’s at least noteworthy, even if it is more common than it used to be.

The sound is on the brighter / higher-pitched side, but it’s very clean and the feel is very solid. If this makes any sense; it feels like a switch that would sound deep, but it doesn’t. It also doesn’t sound thin or hollow - just… crisp?

If you’re tired of long pole linears this won’t excite you - but if you’re looking for an ever more refined one, well - the Hyacinth V2 might be worth your evaluation.







WHAT ARE THESE KEYCAPS?! I searched for “red domikey” and I don’t find anything like that. Those are HOT :fire: This whole thing is amazing. I’m in love. Ive never seen such a perfect red board.


HMX makes some damn good switches for really good prices! I was pretty impressed with the HMX Clouds I just got (thinking they may end up in my Aaru when I get around to doing the soldered build for that). Then I just ordered 100 of the HMX Swift switches which uses more novel plastics to chase after a deeper sound than the Clouds or any of HMX’s previous switches (LY stem, P3 top, PA3.0 bottom). Will definitely report back on them when I get them in!



Same here, my KBD67lite gets a lot of attention.
Among my newer boards it is still holding its value in typing experience and quality of design.
I think it’s a milestone in keyboard history.


Pro 2 2017 des #5. Probably ekmechlube2 and then the neoprene filler. Switching out between that, my thermal I got all the parts in for about a month ago, and my 2.0add

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Finally finished the MX version of the Sweep, I like it a lot more than the LowProfile V2 one I also have.



Or so…


Lunar II today, which I am loving! Oranges were cleaned up then waxed. Switches aside, I think the longest part of the build was seating the spacebar. :grimacing: not sure I’d wish it on my enemies

( edit: still have to find where my ESC is :smiling_face_with_tear:)


Looks great! Mine comes today. I’m thinking I’ll use the NoS yellow linears in it. I love the sound of orange alps but I would have to desolder my M0116. I hate the space bar on it but it does sound amazing. I figure I’ll keep it stock for if I ever need to record “vintage tying” sounds. Iconic.


Frog 8k with red bean switches. :frog: :beans:


Looks great! I agree ALPS spacebars are always a pain in the a$$ to mount. Especially if you’re like me & your OCD won’t allow you to not use the plunger, even though it really doesn’t make much of a difference LOL!


How is the non-exploded(?) arrow keys? Can you home in pretty well still or do you find yourself hitting those extra keys on accident?

Nice build!

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I can give a little info as I have a Frog 8K also. At first it was a little awkward having the keys above & beside the arrows. Although after dailying it for about a week I got used to the extra keys & don’t have issues hitting them on accident going for the arrows or upper nav cluster. I’m sure it’ll vary from person to person, but if you’re used to TKL it’s pretty easy to get used to the extra keys IME.


2.0add blue powdercoat, gmk nautilus r1 abs, 93 wyse blacks w/ 55g cww and 206g00 and some kind of film, I think tx, full alu, manu silicone case foam, i believe that’s it. daily


Invokeys x Alas: Daydreamer Switches

Described as P-shaped heavy silent tactiles, these deceptively gentle-looking switches are punchy, indeed. It’s been a while since I’ve felt the tiredness in my fingers this quickly.

These are smooth and quiet, low wobble - all the good stuff - so if you want a good silent tactile with lots of oomph up-top, here it is.

More thoughts on the Daydreamers

These are made by Wikuo/LICHICX, so just imagine Lucy, but cyber-psycho.

Compared to something like a Gazzew U4 or TTC Silent Bluish White, the Daydreamer has a bump that is both more abrupt overall and peaking earlier in the travel.

Compared with the Geon LICHICX Raw Heavy Tactile, this one uses the same bump profile and dampeners, but takes more force to crest the bump and bottom-out. The Daydreamer also sounds quite a bit more clean, being nearly free of the various metallic sounds I can hear in the Raw.

With the relatively light caps I’m using it’s a bit much for me and I’m finding it hard to get into a rhythm with them, but I could see some heavier caps like the ceramic ones serving to balance that out for me.