What is on your desk today?

Not at the moment - though I might give it a try when I put in the other switches if I remember. I actually like the sound as-is; this case isn’t too bad for clacky switches with either force-break or burger modding, and maybe a little foam. I’m interested to see how that might change the already poppy / clacky sound.

Spooky digital zoom… I’ll pull out my real camera again one of these days


Trying out GMK Metropolis on the Ellipse


looks great! What switches are you using?

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The alpha legends almost match the case color, very awesome combo!

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Thanks! TTC Aces in this on alu plate. It’s pretty high-pitched with GMK, despite the Aces often sounding rather deep, more than it was with DCX Hyperfuse. I think the latter is still my fav on this board, but this is still good! When I try the FR4 plate, it should bring the sound back down a bit.

@Rob27shred Yah, thanks! The legends are virtually the same shade as the minty mods and mod legends on DCX Hyperfuse, but the Esc and Enter stand out more.


Nice. Aces can certainly be high pitched. I have them in my HMKB 75 with a steel plate and GMK caps. Very clacky and high-pitched, but fun. I would call them “bright, sparkling, or lively” if I was a wine maker.


I guess previously I’ve used them mostly with GMK on a FR4 plate in my Malicious, which is a massive aluminum hunk. They are always clacky and a wonderful switch. @pixelpusher

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I’ve used the same word for the same thing in keebs and switches, and for similar reasons - back in my foodservice days I learned that “bright” is used to describe acidic qualities in coffee.

Of all the subjective words in keyboards, “lively” is my favorite; it’s always a good thing!


New angle


The build is finally finished, final assembly was a bit tricky with the Flexstrip cables.


One good Catholic and one recovering Catholic waiting across the street having coffee… (I grew up Catholic. No offense meant.)

Finally got my trash linears from CBKBD in a board. Also, I bought these Norse caps from Omnitype when they were on clearance a while back and never have mounted them. So two new items to the desk. This is on my Corsa who is now sporting a little animated Thor on the display (kinda hard to capture on iphone but it’s pretty crisp IRL).

These switches rock. If you like some clacky clack in your board, try these out. Very loud but mid range in pitch and mostly on the downstroke. The upstroke is fairly tame. I find that I prefer a quiet upstroke. Makes for a cleaner sound overall to me. Quite nice. Smooth and not much wobble at all. I feel like lube would make these a 10/10, but I’m quite enjoying them stock. Easy 9/10

I need to try out some more Haimu linears I guess.


love the Corsa screen so much! Have you been creating your own images? Are there a bunch of community made ones out there?


You can grab any gif online and put it through the converter on their site. I have a local script that runs it.

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I have the screen on my Zoom75 running this fun little gif from Serial Experiments Lain:

Edit: (You can adjust the frame-rate through the Wuque Studios app that exports it to the keyboard)


I am saving the Trash linears that I picked up off of your recommendation for an upcoming build.

I can recommend, however, the Geon x Haimu silent tactile switches. Based off of the Hainu Heartbeat’s silencer that uses a built-in leaf spring on the slider that helps to dampen the sound without making them feel mushy like other silent switch that use materials like silicone to dampen them.

@Deadeye turned me on to the magic of Haimu’s silent switch innovation a while back (:+1::ok_hand::pray:) and I just got around to picking up some linears and tactiles from their Geon collab through Divinikey a few weeks back. I have tossed a few of them into an Owlab Voice Mini macropad that I had just built and it made the whole thing feel much more premium than the sum of it’s parts.

These Haimu switches easily find their way onto my Top 10 List. :+1::+1:


Enjoying an oldie but goody - SP DSA Deep Space


DAMN! That’s a classic set. First I see DSA Retro on r/mm and now you’re posting this. A good week for classic DSA