What is on your desk today?

Some belated pick-ups.

Navy Safa came in, and I am doing gummy o-ring on it. Really enjoying it! Super light for a TKL even with a brass weight inside. My only issue has been the space bar. I went with a 1.2mm PCB to pair with an aluminum plate. I bought some 1.2mm TX clip-in stabs some time ago cause I always knew I wanted to go o-ring. Surprisingly the PCB supports north or south facing stab wires. I didn’t think much of it and went south facing. Well can you imagine what ended up rubbing against the o-ring once built? It annoyed me enough that I desoldered the whole board just to correct the stabs.

I got some improvements with the sluggish spacebar, but I soon realized that with bi-directional stab holes, clip-in stabs easily pop out and the little plastic “toothpick chip” that comes with TX can fall out it is so loose. My first thought was that well screw-in stabs would fix this but that is another desolder…

I decided to live with it and come back to it for a rain day project. Luckily, today I found out I am not the only one with an issue, and a work around was purposed that I might try.

I guess another thing I discovered in all of this was that in coming back to PBT spacebars, even the smallest bit of warp can make a huge difference, and the constant pulling on an off of a PBT spacebar can re-introduce warp. I should definitely start alternating pulling off from each side to the best of my ability.

EPBT Simple Hangul came in as well.

Overall I am really happy with how this set turned out. I think the red on the sub-legends looks great, but it almost looks a little to orange for my tastes on the accent keys. Kind of a bummer cause I bought the additional accent set. Another thing I didn’t realize, the extra kit includes some keys with windows, well since PBT is dye-subbed, you get that little peak of white base PBT through the clear window :man_facepalming: Not the worst thing, but definitely one of those things that you notice once you see it.

Cheers everyone! :beers:


Custom painted pro2 Type-S. Stock domes, snow caps (beige arrows), resin party brass fn cap.

I love this thing, such a great color.


Wow! sweet RGB! I’ve always loved frosted cases but I’ve never been courageous enough to carry out something like that.

Futuristic Space ~


Light was pretty. Haven’t done a new build in a long time. Been relatively happy with my U80 and Sequence65. Might get in on the type-k that’s soon to be in GB that I had been following for years now.


Mix and match remix on command 65 with GMK Nautilus mods, Leopold ash yellow alphas.


I wish I had gotten in on this GB.

White keyboard and the Barbie pink tool.


HHKB feeling good in the sun


After seeing Neprawda’s Spring clone I search around the internets and found one for myself.

Moar Photos

I really wanted an actual Owlab Spring the first time I saw one and always thought a PC or acrylic one would be cool and I got really excited when I saw this board. It’s definitely not the same quality as the real Spring, obviously, but it’s not bad for around $100.


Any more info on that one? Love the look

If you’re asking about the Spring clone:

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The Spring keyboard theme is very popular in China.
Except for the clone corps. They also made PSB boards. For clones.
In the topic of one, I here showed both the original PSB board and its clone, and also a clone where there is rgb from all sides.

There are so many clones in China that there are already several types of aluminum cases. Aluminum clone body like the original. There is an aluminum case, but the design of the bottom and weight is different.
Acrylic clone body versions are also plentiful. There is also an acrylic stack case without weight, there is with weight. There is a cast acrylic body without weight and with weight.
There was also a PC version, but it was some kind of limited edition with a small amount.


Finally got around to cleaning up my MX 11800 & it cleaned up beautifully! Magic eraser took all the scuffs off the case & the track ball is working great after a quick cleaning! Threw Olive on it cause it seemed like the best match I had for it other than my beige sets.


That RGB works great with the keycaps! :ok_hand:

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Acrylic with a weight you say? :thinking:

Finally my bespoke board completed - true endgame reached.


I said it before: It is such a pity these keyboards do not feature dedicated Del and Fn keys, apart from the PgUp and PgDn.

I am still awaiting a cross between Magicforce68 and Alice style layout…

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Tested Vertex One V1 in a full board finally.

My initial impression was switch made out of cheap plastic but interesting stem feel.

I was surprised by how pleasantly their cheap sound was to hear while typing. It sounds like cardboard or tapping on false bottom. It’s not just hollow but unexpected hollowness, like tapping a long a wall and finding a secret room. Needless to say, bizarrely pleasant.

It’s spring+stem combo is also weird, feeling more like sliding on cloud.than typical buttery feel.

All in all, a fun switch to have around. Yeah, yeah. I was wrong.

UPDATE: I remember a GB for a paper-themed keyset a few years ago. This switch would’ve a good match for that.


Have you ever tried JWICK switches? I feel the same way about them. Pleasantly hollow sound.