What did you order or think about ordering?

Ordered some Akko SAL-profile WOB and random CSA with blue-on-white alphas and yellow-on-blue mods. One set will end up on my last Retro TKL plate, this time with a higher profile 3d-printed case.

This also piques my curiosity about low-end scultped profiles. It sure seems like “CSA,” “MSA,” “YSA,” and several other “_SA” Chinese profiles are all pretty much the same molds. Anybody know what their deal is? Womier/XVX seems like the only player on the low end trying to do something unique.




pretty interesting keyboard, also has hall-effect PCB. I won’t order from KBDFans, but maybe if Divinikey offers them later :slight_smile:


@donpark Hey, thanks, I hadn’t realized GMK PBT ala MTNU is doubleshot.

Late last night I ordered another round of 108 Gateron Pro Yellows 3.0 from CannonKeys. I’m enjoying them a lot, stock, in my Salvation, and they’re such a good value.


Got around to ordering GMK Phantom R2. Base and novelties. I got to say doing a GB and paying full price is a little rough considering in the last year I have been getting GMK sets in stock and on sale for 50-60% off.

Phantom definitely feels like an outlier in this situation. I don’t it will be in stock for long.

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I ordered some Gateron melodic clicky switches from Cannonkeys with a few sets of TX Stabilizers. Also ordered 2 sets of Knight Stabilizers from Space Cables.

I really like the Knight stabilizers, but get this. I was doing a dry build (pre soldering) on my Eclipse today to test out the stablizers. Everything sounded great. I went to take off the keycaps and I was being lazy and just tried to pry off the long-ass 3u shift with my fingers. The right stablizer stem pulled out of the housing and stayed in the keycap! :scream: I didn’t even know that was possible! I tried to recreate it several times to see if it would happen again. But it’s stayed in place after switching out the keycap at least 10 times. So… hopefully a fluke?

I’m gonna be super careful with that right shift, that’s for sure. Would really suck to have to desolder just because I wanted to change out the keycaps :slight_smile:


Plastic will give under sufficient pressure. While removing a very tight keycap from a switch, I managed to pull the stem out of a switch one time. A stupefying moment.


Like @donpark I’ve had this happen once or twice to me too back in the day. Im pretty sure it was with plate mounted stabilizers though. Still same principle though, I think its a little bit of the plastic & a little bit of the wire giving. You may want to check that wire for bends now.


Ordered a silver Gehrin. Most I’ve spent on a keyboard in a while. Hope it works out :scream:


Well now I’ve really done it. I also ordered an Obj.1 and a wooting60 HE assembly for it.


My brain wants to join in on that Gehirn as well, especially that pink… Nevermind, pay button didn’t work and it sold out in a minute.

Strange, the pink solder ver. sold out and then came back again!



Before making this post, I saw that searching “Temu” or “DK75” on this forum both return zero results, so I figured that it may be worthwhile to make the comment that I just ordered a DK75 keyboard from Temu.

What is a “Shaftless Body”?

It had a nominal list price of $50.99, but Temu seems to heavily play the everything is “on sale” with “huge discounts” sort of marketing BS game, so I don’t think anyone is really expected to ever pay the regular list price for anything. I mean the website and app is utterly ridiculous with the sorts of games it plays to make you think you’re getting an amazing deal. They completely bombard you with stuff like spinners for coupons/discounts and even silly little mini-games where you can collect credits or coupons. Then, it shows you screens of random items where if you act quickly within minutes to order several different things (that you weren’t even initially interested in), you can earn even more coupons and discounts. All of this crap is so over the top, in a way that makes it feel really sketchy and even like a scam.

So, overall, the shopping experience at Temu felt somewhat unpleasant to me, and I’ve been resisting making an order from them, despite having seen Temu links in various searches. However, some family and friends have recommended Temu before, and they’ve found some absurdly good deals on various non-keyboard things.

In the end, after playing some silly games to get some discounts and jumping through hoops to decline adding other unrelated items (like artificial bonsai plants, assorted clothing, random toys, etc., which could have earned even more coupons), I wound up paying a very low price.

This is one of the cheapest keyboard related orders that I’ve ever placed, and I think this is a bit of a funny contrast to the one in the previous post.

Looking forward to trying this out as an extreme budget build. I’ll make another post when it turns up. Apparently, it has a PC plate, and I wonder if it has a protective film applied. Maybe I’ll try the unpeeled PC mod.


Hit Unikeys up for some more HMX goodness! Been hearing good things about the Canglans figured I’d give them a shot even though they’re reduced travel. They at least have 3.5mm travel which is the same as ALPS so I can deal with that if they are a good switch. Also figured I’d grab a batch of Gateron Slay type L switches before they’re all gone. Then grabbed some more TX AP stabs cause you can never have enough good stabs!
Also grabbed a batch of Gat Smoothies since everyone seems to like them.


Got in on the ORI 60. Oof. Something about spending a certain amount of money on a 60%, feels different then spending the same amount of money on a TKL :joy:


Me ordered one of these. Me not good with budgeting:


Love the logo on that board

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There are a lot of fun details on it! I ended up going with the Dune color way, which I am super excited for, but at the same time I feel like it might be tough to match my current selection of keycaps too.

Beige and WoB would look great, but I was hoping to use something a little more flashy.

I got the HippoKeys tactile switch sample pack a few days ago, which was great for me since it was 15 new tactile switches that I had never tried before.

Out of those, the Gateron Quinns stood out as my favorite (surprised to see this name only mentioned a few times in the search results). I also liked the Akko Cream Blues and Gateron Baby Kangaroos, but the Quinns really shine for a distinctive sound profile that I really like.

I ordered a set of 90 Quinns from Milktooth today. I also got 10 of the Akko Silent Penguins, which I’ve heard have a similar feel to the Cream Blues, so I have to try them out.


I was thinking of getting the gmk lilac on black keycaps from kbdfans, but the shipping and taxes bumped up the price beyond my budget…