Space cables has a good variety of GMK Relegendable keycaps in stock right now. They even have blank paper inserts cut to the proper size for sale also! Very tempted to buy all of them cause I got sets that match them all LOL. Wish they did more colors on the front print ones though.
I am checking these out too. I wish there was a little better way to match the colors to the sets that feature them.
Really tempted to check out the Calla TKL. However I think some of the apply for this board is definitely in the EC kit. That is a pricey extra PCB and plate, along with an EC kit cause I have none of those supplies. Still considering.
Calla TKL with EC is definitely tempting. Although I am in the same boat as you not having any NIZ parts & it’s not really financially in the cards for me.
I saw where something like this would provide all your needs, but still, not cheap. [ Pre-Order ] EC Kits and Packs – KLC Hobbyists' Playground
The Vala sale was too good to pass up. Even though I loathe group buys, I grabbed the SA Fledgling alphas, TKL, and extensions for $90 off. Hopefully I can pick up the ISO kit somewhere once extras go live.
Ordered some Gateron Baby Kangaroos from Milktooth. I’ve managed to recreate the switch but there were some differences and OG sound is cleaner so been wanting to complete a 60% set.
As to why Milktooth, I initially went to CannonKeys bc they were having a sale but noticed Milktooth’s price was even lower ($.49 vs $.54 per switch).
I ordered a shit ton of switches to add to my collection the past few days. From I got 42 switches, Vala supply I got 4 switches (including everything needed to make all 180 possible combinations of Wuque MM), Keebhut I got 4 switches, Divinikey I got 10 sets of the tecsee icecream diy switches, and like 28 switches from Switchoddities
Olive Noir - saw it on a green Envoy, could no longer resist
Love GMK Olive!
I saw this little iPod-style jog wheel and I am tempted to build a macro pad around it ANO Directional Navigation and Scroll Wheel Rotary Encoder : ID 5001 : $8.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits
The Adafruit diagram is a bad screenshot of the manufacturer’s data sheet ANO Series - Rotary Switches - Products - Switch - Zippy Group
The jogwheel’s height above the PCB is about the same as a Kailh Choc switch, so they might go well together. Dunno yet how to arrange the switches around the wheel, might get some clearer ideas when I have some actual devices that I can push around on my desk.
The jogwheels arrived. Their knobfeel isn’t great, scratchy and too tactile, tho I guess the bumps will work better when the wheel is attached to a larger device.
I also realised I had been looking at the wrong datasheet. The jogwheel’s height is a better match for a minichoc (PG1232) than regular choc (PG1350), so it’ll need an interposer to fit nicely alongside them. Meh.
Happened to look at my email today on break & saw Drop had in stock CRP sets. So I finally bought in for a set of CRP with extensive coverage. They were sold out of the numpad though which kinda sucks, but most of my boards don’t need that thankfully. I went with Tulip Alphas for this order! Can’t wait to finally have a Tulip set & see what all the fuss about CRP has been about!
Nice, might want to edit out your address though lol
Good look, not that I’m too worried about it here but will do. Thanks for the heads up, didn’t even realize it was on there LOL!
Now I’m wondering how different CRP is to old school Gateron blank ePBT sets? I got a bunch of them & if the colors match, plus the caps sit the same height I can probably use their numpads in a pinch till I get a proper CRP one.
I’ve the milky white (not ghost white) Gateron blanks and first CRP set from Drop. CRP keycap is slightly warmer (hint of yellow) and texture is slightly smoother. Difference is noticeable to me but YMMV.
- Two 60% FR4 plates from AVXWorks bc FR4 rules.
- Keyboardbelle 1987 Case (Dark Matte Mint) bc of her boards distinct sound. Welcome back Keyboardbell!
- Plate foams and misc parts from Upgrade Keyboards bc package got lost somewhere in Texas.
Ordered the new Frog TKL 8k in silver. Been wanting another silver board and I think it’s funky fresh. Can’t wait to play around with the right hand layout. Also picked up a hotswap PCB for it, which is always nice to have.
Prototypist is having a little sale so picked up a few things.
110 Autumn Rain switches, 110 BBN Tactile Switches, DCS Windbreaker base & novelties and GMK Dualshot R2 base.