Hey all,
Another week up and another week down of brand new switches! Looking through my catalogue earlier this week I realized I still have not done an in-depth dive on TTC switches and figured with my recent package from Novelkeys that it was about time to get to it. This week, I bring you a review of the new, better than ever TTC Wild switches from Matrix Labs.
Website Link: https://www.theremingoat.com/
Article Link: TTC Wild Switch Review — ThereminGoat's Switches
Scorecard Repository: ThereminGoat (ThereminGoat) / Repositories · GitHub
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/theremingoat
Surely there was a mountain goat themed pun I could have worked in here with the ‘Wild’ switches, but you have no hard I’ve racked my brain this morning trying to find it. Hope you all enjoy and thank you for the continued love and support - it means more to me than you could possibly know.