As others have said, a 45 G EC dome is heavier than a 60 G MX switch. Since the 60 G MX is bottom-out weight, and 45 G EC is actuation weight.
I have an ABKO K935P Niz dome EC keyboard. It is heavier than my light tactile MX keyboards, including MX Brown. I would say that the 45 G Niz is roughly in-between an MX Brown and an MX Clear in weight, operating kind of like a 65-67 G Ergo Clear in that respect. So it’s about 65-67 G in MX weight.
I typed on some BOX Jades recently, and I would say that they are heavier than my 45 G Niz, if that helps. The Niz 45 G is probably closer to BOX Pink in intensity, but that’s a guess.
In terms of feel, the Niz domes are more linear than Topre, if you ask me. An easier transition from MX tactiles to be sure. There’s resistance at the top, but once you overcome it, there’s a linear collapse straight to the bottom, although there is a weird kind of linear-tactile resistance provided by the rubber dome along the way.
Topre, including 45 G Topre, has a richer and more substantive tactility. It doesn’t end when you actuate the switch. It’s like a piano key that keeps resisting as you push down, and it pushes you up. But it’s been a while since I type on one.
30-35 G Niz should be similar in intensity to MX light tactiles like MX Brown. If that’s too light for you, you want to go with 45 G at least. I think even 45 G Niz might feel weaksauce to you, if you’re used to BOX Jades.
The real richness in tactility in a stock EC keyboard is 55 G Topre. You will notice it, for sure. It’s very rich, and fun to type on. Not really practical for sustained typing unless you are used to it. As others have said, you might be best served by tactile domes in the 40-50 G range, the BKE replacements. They won’t be excessively heavy in weight, but will definitely be tactile.
Topre keyboards are much easier to put replacement domes in than Niz (which requires you to align things more carefully). So they are a better basis for dome modding. Niz’ advantages are:
- Usually MX-stem, which means easier replacement keycaps
- Some of the Niz boards, such as the ABKO, have excellent stock sound, and easily beat stock Topre.
- somewhat cheaper
Niz aren’t put together quite as well - there will be more minor issues of keycap alignment, case straightness, that kind of thing. A general sloppiness relative to Topre. ABKO are built better on average than your typical Niz, I think. Mine doesn’t have any noticeable issues.
The top Topre boards, like the ones with built-in silencing and multi acuation control, are the best. They’re meant for you to just buy and forget about, in terms of modding. But they’re also a good basis for those BKE domes.