The Norbazaar event: rare, weird, and random Topre aftermarket housings

I think I got last periwinkle HG. Woke up from a nap and my friends were pinging me like crazy, I’ve never moved so fast. Thanks Ryan for making these beautiful housings :raised_hands:t3:


Guess I was too late on Periwinkle. Any more drops of that or is that color out of stock for good?


With the utmost respect,

There should be a few more later! Might be b-stocks, tbd. We’ve got to see what is in the final shipment from the powder coating vendor, arriving to us next week.


Thank you!

Just curious - anyone catch how much the D-stock Veracity HGs cost?

Looking at the source code, it looks like $750

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Wow, no wonder they got sold super quick!

Need another periwinkle drop in the middle of US-night haiya

And what was the price for periwinkle HG? Cheers!

Price was 720 USD


Just couldn’t help myself at the chance of a Veracity HG, I snagged one of the C stock ones. @norbauer are there only pink plates left at this point or is there any chance of black being available?

what’s the difference between WKL Norbaforce and Veracity Steel? did some google searching but didn’t come back with anything useful. I’m sure I missed an obvious pointer somewhere :slight_smile:

Veracity is just the finish, so you can have a WKL Veracity finish Norbaforce or a MK 2 without blockers also in Veracity finish.

i see so a WKL is a completely different board then? guess I didn’t realize that. thanks

WKL stands for Winkeyless. It’s a rare/nerdy variant that has blockers over the Windows keys.

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Only pink at this moment for sure, but after we’re sure that we have shipped the absolute end of all Heavy Grail housings (likely in a month or so), we’ll offer up any remaining switch plates in whatever colors we have left, at a discount. Hopefully a few black will be among them.


Just added a few more things, including a one-off carbon steel Heavy-6 with clear-coated rust finish.

Here is where we are at the moment:

EDIT: well, that carbon steel lasted about 15 seconds. :sweat_smile:


Which sold practically immediately - looks awesome!

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That carbon looks amazing.