Pet fur / hair induced key chatter

I just wanted to share a tidbit that I just dealt with.

I’ve had an issue with key chatter on on one of my switches. I was about to swap the switch out, for a fresh one, but I figured I’d investigate it.

Upon opening the switch, I found a couple pieces of cat hair had made their way into the key switch. I believe the main culprits were the strands that were on the legs.

After defurring my key switch, I’m no longer getting double presses with the switch in question.

If the issue happens again (I’m sure it will.), I’ll grab a couple pictures before I defur the next switch.


I never realized this could be a problem, interesting :thinking:


Were the switches filmed at all?


It’s not that the switches are chattering, it’s that they have taken in the essence of the animal that deposited the fur. What could be more catlike than the switches doing exactly as they please when they please?



Yes, filmed and lubed Krytox 205g00, IIRC.

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Accidentally posted this in the wrong thread earlier; This sounds like a good use-case for switches with enclosed contacts and other features meant to mitigate the ingress of foreign materials.

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