NCR 80 - VIA setup [help needed]

Honestly, I’d reach out to the vendor and make sure they even sent you the right one in the first place. Back when I had ordered mine (couple years ago now) they sent me a different revision and I was sitting there scratching my head trying to get it to show up in VIA since I was following the instructions for the version I had bought. Once they told me what happened it was as easy as grabbing the right JSON for it.

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If this happens to be the first time you’ve tried flashing a keyboard on that computer, you might just need to install the qmk / arduino drivers.

It could also be that the board only stays in bootloader mode for a short time, which checking the “auto flash” box can help with.

So I tried it on two other computers and the problem remains the same despite the machine change, they were all on Windows 11 beside one which was on 10. Perhaps trying on a Mac would yield different results? Not entirely sure. As for the physical reset circuit, I know they are present on the R2 soldered version but could not find one on mine. It does seem to be in boot loader mode though, not able to type and scroll lock indicator light acts differently, indicating the switch.

I know some of the PCBs sold are VIA compatible out the box, however this one seems to be VIA compatible in the way that you need to flash the via hex to the keyboard so that it works. Via recognizes it outside of boot loader mode and states that it’s ‘paired’ but the ‘Authorize Device’ screen does not change, even after successfully uploading the .json file. This is precisely where my problem lies as I am aiming for enabling NKRO either through VIA or QMK MSYS. I have tried both extensively but to no avail as nothing seems to want to flash my board. I am assuming due to the issue you stated, of it being recognized as a USB device. :cry:

@_td Yeah, I seem to be running out of options at this point. I’ve been in touch with them throughout this whole thing but I will double check with them about which revision was sent.

@Deadeye I installed all the drivers that QMK toolbox prompts you to download upon first boot, other than that I haven’t touched any drivers. Checking the auto flash option also does not seem to do anything.

Thanks for all the input everyone! Was not expecting so many replies lol.


I haven’t done it in a long time but can you still download atmel flip and flash it with that? That’s how we used to do it back in the day :joy:

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FWIW, I’ve had a couple Atmega-based boards just fail to ever enter bootloader mode under Windows 11, that I was able to flash on a Mac. Once flashed, they worked fine under Win11.


Now that is something I haven’t heard about in a long long time! Brought all the bad memories of trying to flash a board back in the day flooding back! :face_with_peeking_eye: :rofl:

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These young whippersnappers don’t know how it was with flip and zagdig


Speaking of NCR80, is there a kit out there that is fully dark gray? Or is it still only the gray top and beige bottom?

I know there is a black option now but I believe it’s only in WK, no WKL option.

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I have never heard of a “fully dark gray” NCR-80.

Even the gray top and beige bottom model doesn’t seem to be on offer anymore. That was R1, maybe R2.

The Gray-Top/Beige-Bottom was in the earliest releases, later supplemented by an all-beige model that became the predominant one after a while.

The most recent is all-black (R3?).

They also attempted a “Cool Gray,” maybe in the second GB, but it didn’t work out and largely came out as beige. They never tried again with the “Cool Gray,” which is a shame.

It’s too bad that they aren’t as ambitious anymore. They used to offer multiple colours [maybe 2 per GB], plus soldered and hotswap options. Now, as far as I know, it’s just whatever they have in stock [the latest black, maybe some leftover all-beige], mostly just the hotswap that has north-facing PCB for some reason.

As a budget G80-alike, they have been a good option, but it would be nice to have a colour selection and south-facing PCBs again.