Mitarashi Dango Switch Review

Hey all,

I absolutely had to get one more review in before the end of 2024 and so here it is! This weekend I take a deep dive on the new Mitarashi Dango switches and their very, very confusing potentially sort of, kind of maybe manufacturer in QTUO Studio? The question mark key really got its mileage on this review…

Article: Mitarashi Dango Switch Review — ThereminGoat's Switches
Scorecard Repository: GitHub - ThereminGoat/switch-scores: PDF Repository of switch score sheets.
Force Curve Repository: GitHub - ThereminGoat/force-curves: PDF and Data Repository of switch force curves.
Patreon: ThereminGoat | creating Mechanical Keyboard Switch Reviews | Patreon

As always thank you for the continued readership and support not only week in and out but over the course of 2024. I have a lot of fun plans for content and discussions about switches that I’m hoping to pull together in 2025 and I look forward to (hopefully) sharing all of those awesome ideas with you all here soon. :heart:

Goat :goat: