Looking for a Novatouch. Also interested in a Masterkeys Pro S if the price is right. Let me know if you have one to sell.
I have a feeling I know why
If you strike out on finding a complete board, I have a partially de soldered Master Keys Pro S PCB and plate that I’ll give you if you pay for shipping. One of the pads is lifted on the PCB (which is why it’s a spare) but it’s definitely salvageable.
Okay, I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks.
Still looking
I’m actually just looking for the cable the one I bought doesn’t have the cable
you mean just the micro USB cable? I’ll trade you the cable for a Novatouch
hahaha you’ve got a deal! I’m missing the actual jst connector to micro usb female connector
Still searching
I saw a Masterkeys Pro S white led on the local fleebay. 80$. Shiping to me and then you would be 40$. Lemme know if you want my help
Edit: Cherry browns
Thanks for letting me know. Still holding out hope for a Novatouch.
Still looking!
Hope you get one.
I sold mine a few weeks ago, I think it would had been a great addition to your collection.
That guy thinks of selling
Is the Masterkeys Pro S different in any way from the one sold by Originative?
I believe that was a late revision by norbauer to accommodate the Masterkeys s PBT version. It came with PBT caps and led indicators in a different spot.
I did manage to get a novatouch, but still looking for yet another at a some point.