For those who have entered the realm of keyboard hoarding collecting, how do you store your keyboards? Are they stored and difficult to access? Stored and easy to access? In reach? Out of reach? This is how I store my keyboard for easy access.
18 keyboards on the shelves; 2 balanced in-between.
The ‘parking garages’ are great for 60% keyboards (except the 5 degree). For the top racks, I’d recommend possibly lying some thin craft foam if you’re worried about possibly scratching your keyboard.
I have a bunch of keyboards that aren’t able to fit into that area so I’m looking into more storage options (or maybe I should just sell some of mine…).
I like that desk organizer @Manofinterests! But I don’t think I have enough room on my desk for it
I use U Line keyboard boxes (actually identical but cheaper knockoff boxes) and store keyboards in labeled boxes on wire racks in a shipping container.
I’ve been using these. Depending on how many keys, they won’t hold a whole keyset; they’ll hold 104 keys with no problem, but add on more, and I need two. How many do these hold?
A bit less than that depending on profile. I couldn’t fit SA Bliss base kit in one. I read the dimensions but somehow they still seemed smaller when I got them
Speaking of ancillary items, how do you store your desk mats that are not in use? I just got the brain wave that somehow they could be affixed to the wall and they might make pretty good room decorations… perhaps adhered by thin but strong magnetic strips?
are the drawers deep enough to hold full size boards? My issue is the wide variety of widths and depths of boards. I did give a thought to those modular ikea cubby holes with small shelves/drawers installed in them. KALLAX Shelf unit with 4 inserts, white, 303/8x577/8" - IKEA
I used to have all my keyboards lined up vertically in like two or three of the sections of a kallax, but my amazing girlfriend thought it wasn’t doing them justice and got me the awesome rack I have now