Interesting Finds & Heads-Ups

I hope this is allowed here: A monstre giveaway is unfolding on to celebrate the blog’s 2nd anniversary. 50 vendors offered 111 goodies. Check out the details and good luck!


The GAS67 kit is on sale for less than $50 on KeebMonkey:

(Depending where you live shipping might be high, though)

This is a gaming-oriented budget barebones 67-key with simple but effective gasket mounting, a polycarb plate, included case dampening, per-key RGB, and hot-swap sockets.

As an RGB keeb aimed at gamers, this one has North-facing sockets, prioritizing illumination of shine-thru legends over compatibility with certain popular profiles. This kit was basically made with pudding caps and the like in-mind. The blocker also doubles as a dedicated Winkey lock - because nobody likes to AFK when they just meant to crouch.

I’d say most folks here on KT already have some kind of better board than this - but with the holidays coming up, this might be a great introduction into the world of decent keebs for a friend or relative. The only real flaw I think this kit has is the lack of metal thread inserts for the case screws, so some care is required when assembling and disassembling - but for this price, I really can’t find anything else to criticize.

If you’d like to know more about the keeb, you can find my detailed review and build guide here on my website.


Shame Domikey doesn’t have a uniform or low profile mold for this set:

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I love the sets they come up with, but I still haven’t bought a single set because I hate the look of that space bar. :frowning:

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Clunker restock is coming on 25 for Black Friday sale :partying_face: will definitely get one

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Gok’s Venn is in-stock here:


Wow, thanks for letting me know! Super stoked for one as well then.

I’ll probably get me some of these.
You should to @Deadeye :wink:


Smooth and deep, you say? I’m tempted, at minimum. JWK, maybe?

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Really hoping I can squirrel enough moneys away, quickly enough, to get one of these. Suspect I might not… but it looks so good!

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for those sensitive to key travel:

3.7mm travel

Looks like Tecsee is making some middle-height MX-compatibles.


Seeing the side profile just makes me think “this is wrong but idk why” lol

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2.2mm travel. Still seems like some keycaps will impact the plate. Also, there aren’t stabilizers that work with these, right?

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I guess that would put a significant asterisk on “MX-compatible” wouldn’t it? Same footprint and mount, but not necessarily friendly with all the existing parts.

If I were to guess, I’d say Tecsee will release some accompanying stabilizers and keycaps since they already have experience making both.

First time seeing SP DSS with non-centered legends.


Daily Clack in Australia has some nice Black Friday deals (eg switches at 50% - make me a recommendation what I should try if I like smooth, deep linears :wink:). I don’t know what the international shipping costs are, so ymmv.

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The Scrabble set is being rerun by DSA. Never thought I’d see this again. You can also get a complete kit to play with on a scrabble board with the proper number of each letter for the game.


This is a mixed bag for me.

Yes! DSA. But the fonts looks a bit funky. Clackkeys specifically says this is a better matching font to the real game. What? It’s way further off than the XDA version. I are confusion.

Cool that Cassidy is designing more stuff. Nice! I liked her work with Signature Plastics on Tecla but now it’s gotten more creative. But wait… it’s Infinikey. Aren’t they the ones who make the TKC products that everyone complained about?

We can’t get cool stuff made in the US? I mean, it’s licensed by Hasbro, an American corporation. Wouldn’t it be fitting to make the keycaps here if you can?

Again, a mixed bag. Not sure what to think at the end of it.

Yeah, the font seems like a step down from the original. And the kitting is pretty lackluster - no ISO, no ergo, and fewer novelties than the original had. And Infinikey? Ehhh. I had been waiting for this to rerun since I got into the hobby, but this feels disappointing.