Might be because I’m on mobile but I’m having trouble finding sample photos of the Zero - where did you see them?
this is actually a mobile bug we are working on fixing! On desktop you can see them under the configurator.
and should be fixed!
Yep, it’s fixed - and those look fantastic! They really show how broadly-configurable the Zero is.
I watched Alex’s 2 streams on the board and the cork bottom surprisingly gave a higher pitched sound.
Huh, really!? Kinda surprising, maybe it’s the way the cork has those 3 strips of metal or plastic to allow the top case to screw into the cork bottom? That might not be transferring the sound to the cork well? I was assuming the cork would be deep sounding cause it is a fairly dense material & should do more to stop the sound than transmit it.
I was surprised myself. I’m sure if the cork had direct contact with the PCB for instance, it would be a different story.
Isn’t cork fairly not-dense, though? My brief searches put it around 0.25g/cm^3, vs. silicone at 0.95 to 1.2 g/cm^3.
It’s not dense, but being spongey it would not be unreasonable to expect it to deaden soundwaves somewhat.
(Posted this in the wrong thread before)
Skywriter in MTNU, congrats @cijanzen
Thank you! I’ll be posting a GB/Preorder thread as soon as all vendors go live with it. Appreciate the support!
I’m definitely going to get a set. I have MTNU Graphite and I like it so much that I’ve been really wanting to get a legended set. Almost went with Rascals and then was close on Space Cadet too but I’m glad I waited. Just ordered!
Don’t know how I missed it, but KAM seems to have gone live on Yuzu.