Interesting Finds & Heads-Ups

FYI if you’ve been waiting for a GMK set from Kono, Apos is working with GMK to take on some sets. It’s the buy at a discount thing, but if you want your set, this seems like your chance (assuming it things can still be shipped in the mail smh): Pending Unfulfilled GMK Group Buys Available on Apos Feb 12 - Apos also posted on r/MechanicalKeyboards

EDIT: I wasn’t able to see the pricing on the Apos website post, but Apos replied to someone’s commented in r/mk to say:

"…it would be something like this:

Normal price: $125
Preorder price: $100
Kono customer preorder: $75

I believe domestic shipping is included and international is a flat $15, but things have been pretty wild the past few days so I don’t want to commit fully to that statement.

And yes, anything left over should be available at a non-discounted price."


SP dropping DCS Cafe:

I like this re-invention of SP and this looks pretty nice.

(only slightly related but has anyone tried both DSS and MTNU and have any feedback on their similarities? Was thinking that SP could use a spherical cap that’s not as high as SA but then remembered they had DSS)

  1. I don’t have any Epomaker boards, but I’m not sure I condone ever paying MSRP for a pre-built.
  2. Somewhere in Taiwan, a 70-something engineer who used to work for Focus Electronics just got a warm and fuzzy feeling… or the chills.


Not sure if these were posted here before, but they’re new to me and really open the door for interesting ideas.

Per key PCBs to make handwire builds cleaner.


In particular, they would be a godsend for people doing non-planar ergo builds with modern features like Wylder does.

I’ve been tempted before, but for my builds I might as well just design a normal PCB if I’m not going to focus on 100% home fabrication (never been one to care much about per key lighting and I know who I am when it comes to switches, lol).

I am impressed at the reasonable price and the fact that it seems like they’re open source and (merciful heavens!) actually packaged up for upload to a PCB fab.

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It got my head going to create something similar to this for myself, but way stripped down because I don’t care for lights on my boards either.

Would make it far easier to swap out my KA2 keywell PCBs for a semi-hand wired setup without all of the hand wired headache. Would do the diodes as SMDs on the individual PCBs and then have through holes to solder wires to for the matrix. Could even cheat and solder headers into the holes and connect with removable jumpers.


My 11yo daughter asked for a “makey-makey” capacitive input kit to use for her Scratch programs. Would I get one for myself? Nah. Did I agree for her? You bet your butt I did!


Very cool stuff, awesome that your daughter is getting into programing so early!

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Looking pretty sweet. It is a shame the convex spacebars aren’t available yet. SP just confirmed DCS is getting them but this set appears to have the old concave short pace bars.


I don’t think Richat has been manufactured yet, and the new bars are due in a couple weeks (March). So it’s possible it’ll include them. The concave renders are from a couple months ago, before the new molds were announced.

EDIT: Confirmed on the designer’s Discord, it will have the new convex bars


Well that makes it an insta-buy for me.


This is very nice.

I’m curious about the pad-printed Novs. Is that purely a cost saving thing? I’m not complaining, just curious.


Yeah I’d assume it’s a cost savings measure as I believe SP has a fairly high price to create new molds compared to GMK, KKB, etc.

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In this case I think some of the art might also be too intricate; SP has specific requirements for line thickness and gap size between lines

New molds from SP aren’t usually that expensive from my experience, so I’m guessing it’s the detail on the art that’s the biggest factor


I’m wondering if maybe the designer was originally considering something in PBT. Seems like a better use case for Dye-sub. This set looks nice, but I wonder how the novelties will sell and then hold up. Pad-printing is not the phrase to inspire confidence in the hobby.

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GMK CYL Black & Gold is live


Didn’t know about this set until today from a Divinikey email. Joined right away. This set looks nice.


:grimacing:Let’s calculate some things:

  1. Do you clean your keyboard?
  2. How often do you clean it?
  3. What tools do you use to clean it?
    Next time I’ll start calculating the regular time.
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While I recognize the novelty that is a metallic color on a keycap set, I still find this is a missed opportunity to make a truly gorgeous set with actually nice icon mods. :slightly_frowning_face:

I’m repeating myself and it’s an unpopular opinion, but I’m done with ISO 7000. I want custom icons on my custom keycaps and I refuse to continue paying upwards of $100 for base kits that are effectively the same keycaps, with the same icons and the same fonts, but with different colors. I call for mutiny! :pirate_flag: :upside_down_face:

Black and gold is nice, though. Hmpf. :confused:


I believe there was a set that Maxvoltar designed with brand new custom legends.
(It was hi-viz) MVKB • MV Hi! Viz GMK CYL

But since GMK CYL is doubleshot, super custom legends are really expensive.

Also - people have different preferences when it comes to legends. Some people might really like the Neue legends, others might hate them. So it’s really tough!

PBT Dyesubs come with a bunch of different legends - that might be a better place to look.