Interesting Finds & Heads-Ups

Not sure if this has been shared elsewhere on KeebTalk, but voting for KeyCon 2025 venue locations is open through June 26:

Geekhack thread: Keycon 2025 Planning - Location Vote and Survey
Survey link:


Or get yourself an old netbook and install Debian without a desktop to use Vim.

On the other hand, if it were to use a low power microcontroller instead of a fully fledged CPU, you should be able to get way more battery autonomy out of such a thing.

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a low power microcontroller

Good point. Could also be a perfect use case to split the difference and go for a Pi Zero (or similar). I actually just finished up a crude “Pokedex” toy for my daughter that uses an old Pi 3B+, and the process for mapping a handful of keys to general Purpose I/O pins couldn’t be easier. I don’t know if it handles a diode matrix as well, but if not, microcontrollers are cheap. :slight_smile:

In any event, I do not understand the point of paying a premium for a writing tool that then uses low-end components for the actual writing part. I’m no great fan of average brown switches, but at least it’s in the right category.

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Those caps on the Hemingwrite appear to be custom for it; more or less “OEM” profile but with a Dell-style chunky space bar and large centered legends - definitely not a common combination. I do love the style of the whole device, and those dark green caps look great on it.

Maybe I’ll find a used one at an estate sale someday, ha

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Interesting that the 3D printed device seems to just use a Planck layout PCB, though he’s done some interesting things to that layout to avoid relying on layers. Not a bad solution overall, though, and assuming it doesn’t require significant assembly, $200 for a functioning device is not insane, if still a bit pricy. I wonder how much an e-ink screen with an adequate refresh rate for typing would add to the BoM.

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There’s this whole world of niche devices out there I never knew existed. Fascinating.

I’ve never considered myself much of a writer, but I wonder if I had something really portable like this if I wouldn’t be more inclined to take note of my thoughts.


Finally some HMX switches getting attention in the US market. I’ve been buying HMX from Unikeys for a while now. Glad to have a US vendor to save a bit of money and a lot of shipping time.

I get that people love Cherry for nostalgia, but I really think they’re still bottom of the barrel when it comes to stock condition. HMX switches are the polar opposite. Maybe it’s just that I’ve gotten lazy in the past few years, but I’m all about buying good sounding, stable switches, that I can use off the shelf. HMX is that switch manufacturer for me. If you are looking for something close to full travel, the purple dawn are quite nice.


With those super sharp corners, it’s exactly like the oem profile.

You better haha that thing is so laggy for a 999 usd keyboard.

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I should mention that Milktooth also sells HMX switches for the US market. I totally forgot about them. Oops.


MT3 bogo is back


quick heads-up for anyone trying out HMX – their specialty is medium-light (LOTS of options available on Unikey) – currently they only have a few mediums (Purple Dawn, Cloud, Jammy) – but DashanYYY on GH has promised they are looking at medium-heavy options (and even maybe a heavy option) sometime in the future


Today yuzu sent me some photos of the first keycaps of my set, to double check with me if I am satisfied with how they turned out, before they continue with producing the rest of it.
Nice and professional!
And to judge from the photos, they caps really look very good.
I’m eager to receive them. Will provide a more detailed review as soon as I get them.

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Sorry if I am so sporadic at posting as of late. I lost access to KeebTalk at my work a while back, and work has been kinda in overdrive so far this year :sleepy:

In the meantime, I still like to pop in occasionally with something fun or interesting (at least to me :grin:)

I ordered Swagkeys’ Knight Stabilizers a while back and recently got around to check them out. Those of you who are familiar with some of my posts know I am always looking to find a way to perfect my stabilizers as that was one of the things I struggled most with in my earlier builds.

I have experimented with countless lubes, mods, tips, and tricks, as well spending too much on tools and such to find out how to make just about any stab sound and feel great with repeatable results. This has turned me into a stickler for stab wires and making them as perfect as possible.:triumph:

I will always be in the camp that Cherry clip-in stabs can be a fantastic option if you are willing to put in a little bit of work. Also, if you are buying them in individual pieces, you can swap out their awful stock wires with something better from Durock or Cannonkeys, you can end up with something that sounds great and is about half the price of TX AP clip-ins (which I also like!)!! The days of having to spend $20+ to get great stabs out-of-the-box are in the rear-view mirror. :partying_face::partying_face:

When I opened the Knight Stabs, I immediately went to check the spacebar wire to see how much work I had ahead of me, and to my surprise, these wires have ro be some of the straightest I have ever seen :flushed::flushed::flushed:

I know it’s Pride Month​:rainbow_flag:, but can we all just give it up for these OMEGA straight wires!!! :straight_ruler::tada:

I figured it had to be a fluke, but to my surprise, BOTH spacebar wires were perfect, and only ONE of the 2U wires needed a slight correction. The bends were exactly 90 degrees as well!!

(Swagkeys, if you are listening and ever decide to sell just the wires separately HIT ME UP!!! :speaking_head:)

To put it in perspective, I will normally spend about 10 to 15 minutes working on my wires to get them straight and flat before I round the ends with a file and then polish them to prevent snags. To be able to eliminate 15 minutes worth of fine tuning, may not seem like a lot, but to me, it means I get to shift that level of focus over to the rest of my build.

Getting a board built before the Adderall wears off is an absolute godsend!! :crazy_face:


Divinikey too. I just picked up some Macchiatos the other day – should have them in hand today.


Below is a brief description of the satellite axis version of the adaptive elastic structure PCB.
PCB version: New version of the elastic design part shape is optimized for the depth of the original false shaft. In order to ensure good compatibility, some fine tuning has been done to the small bob moving frame to reduce noise. problem caused by the collision of small beans (lubrication can eliminate it).
Release Time: It is expected to be released at the end of this month, with frontline equipment and domestic agents available at the same time. The specific date depends on the release sticker, which is still being assembled.
Sale price: 79 yuan/set (80% distribution)

Adaptive elastic structure PCB satellite axis released


Interesting, I wonder if they’ve hit upon a far simpler solution than others recently suggested.


MTNU Granite


Love granite. First DSA set I bought. Probably is for many

Looking forward to in stock extras :grinning:

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Not to be that guy but carrying a small flip top notebook in your back pocket is a great, inexpensive option for jotting down thoughts. However, if I’m being honest, I mostly just use the notes app on my phone these days because it’s literally always in my pocket.


That’s not a bad idea. Although I think the key would be battery life and it seems like an e-ink display would really optimize for that.

I have seen folks using these “Remarkable” tablets lately, but they still have you writing things down. More and more, I actually prefer typing things out.