Interesting Finds & Heads-Ups

I’ll take you up on that offer if you can hold them till next wed when I get my paycheck. Had to buy new tires for my vehicle yesterday which left a sizable dent in my bank account LOL!

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Mode Loop TKL


Can’t say I’m a fan of the aesthetics here. Personally would’ve preferred an Eighty refresh of some sort, but can never be mad at a company trying new things (design-wise)



Their photos do look better than some of the other early photos I saw circulating.

I was hoping it would be closer to the Sonnet. Crazy how more rounded corners really changes things. Also no F13 these days seems like quite the choice.

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Drop is back with MT3 BOGO starting at 10pm PT


New MTNU set for preorder at novelkeys based on the Atari 800

Will probably buy but not preorder. I’m done with preorder. Still haven’t preordered keycaps in a long time.


MTNU set I’m looking forward to is Space Cadet. Sublegend support in MTNU will take some time though.



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It could be the case of pad printing like with the double-colored sets in traditional Cherry keycaps?

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Reddit - Dive into anything Novelkeys is also going to carry some sets from project keyboard


It’s back this time in black and white options and a $5 off coupon lowering the price to $64!


Ordered one out of curiosity.

Shipping was suspiciously low though: $9.

:crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

I’ve ordered from KeebMonkey in the past and so far everything has been delivered.

Even if KeebMonkey can be trusted, there is the PCB to worry about. It’d be cool if I can fit a hiney or bastion PCB into it.

No need to suspect keebmonkey. The only issue with mine was a crack in the PVD coating on the weight which for the price I think is fine.


Omnitype’s “happy hour” sale today from noon to 4pm (central time) is for 40% off Modo Light keycaps and deskmats. I have the icon-only mods version of the OTC Modo Light set and it’s a nice 1.45mm thick PBT set that should support most 60% and larger boards, including split space and Alice layouts.

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Did you check what MCU your keyboard is using? I have tried to find pictures of the pcbs for Sugar65 and Monka 6067 but no luck. Probably low chance for it to be something you can flash yourself

I’ve never been a huge fan of crazy RGB, but NGL this PCB is cool AF!


Clear PCB with RGB? SIgn me up. I was drooling over just the “plain” clear PCBs.

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