Interesting Finds & Heads-Ups

That sucks :confused:

PK = Project Keyboard, for anyone else that doesn’t know, I had to google to find what the abbreviation meant

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That sucks, but I guess at least it’s just on caps in your case. I got scammed on Rukia (Mint Autumn/Jaxx) & Monoflex (SantiGo) about 2 yrs. ago. No luck on chargebacks with either cause I held out hope Jaxx would eventually deliver & just waited to long with the Monoflex. At least we can say we earned our stripes in the hobby! :rofl: :sob:


Found this thing today. Promises to be very interesting


Oh, I have that jaxxstatic shaped burn on me too, lol.


I see myself at the pearly gates where I get my Rukia, my Lynx, and my Weaven all at the same time. It’ll be the best. I was one of the very few who got their Exclusive E8-V1, so I guess I’ve got that going for me…


It’s all in the name…

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Did the second run on Weaven never ship? I was so close to pulling the trigger on it.

Nope. It’s a mess with communication once every 6 months or so. Not sure if the boards ever got made.

Looks like KBDfans is looking into making a gummy O-ring mount version of the Tofu - might be attractive over the Bakeneko if you prefer a more steep typing angle, as this one has 9 degrees. I you prefer a more standard angle, well, this might not be for you - that’s me. Still, the design is pretty neat.


Blast from the past! Haven’t seen a yas62 layout in a long time.


Wow, yeah definitely a blast from the past! I really like the ideal of making the cases out of recycled plastics, but still giving the cases the full CNC treatment. Just 50 for the first run they’re saying in the GH IC, so this will probably be a tough one to grab.

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Flash sale today on Silk Oliva switches - these are pretty standard JWKs with a factory lube treatment of 205g0:

CYL Vaporwave is getting a second round, this time with a super cool aluminum novelty cap by Hibi:


Kona has 50% off all GMK sets… again… Man a lot of vendors really must have over bought extras.


Very nice. I feel a bit like a sucker for buying some of these at full price. If anyone was on the fence, I do recommend Boho at $79 for the base set. Quite nice colors in person.

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I know i said it last time but, regular pricing at other vendors who dont charge the kono tax? lol

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50% off of SA Lime at SP. They don’t discount very often. Must have a lot of sets :slight_smile:
I had the maxkey version when it first came out. It’s alright. Not my favorite. As an Overwatch player, I always considered it to be SA Genji.


Beat me to it, I was gonna post about it for the same reason! :laughing:

Interesting that SP is stocking more sets like 1976 and Retro.

In fact they cancelled a group buy that Evangs was running and told him they will just produce is and stock it on their website at regular stock.

The set is SA Ambassador.

I wonder if they got burned by Mechs and Co and others not paying, or if they are returning to their roots of selling directly.

In any case will be nice to see them stock more sets.


I wish SP would start producing more DCS sets regularly beyond WoB, BoW, & Midnight (I still need to grab a set of DCS Midnight though, have always loved that colorway!). Some in stock PBT DCS sets would be awesome!


I have a set of midnight if you want it on the cheap :slight_smile:

I am approaching a 2:1 ratio of kaycaps to keyboards. Have to start downsizing…