Interesting Finds & Heads-Ups

I have 4 packs.
Anyone who watches videos from FOFOstudio has seen these stabilizers. They are very often used in assemblies.
The wire clamp is well clamped. If you pull up, you can’t pull it out.

But I will say how stabilizers they are for a rare amateur.
The ratling is there out of the box. A metal wire with memory as version 2. But this does not save.


Almost 100% sure that they are. Seems to be a very popular solution in other parts of the world but I guess I’m stubborn and am sticking with my solution.

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Yes they are costar. Spoke to the vendor regaeding thr 60%pcb and said they are working on pcb screw in stabs.

The vendor also makes custom plates if you want to put the pcb’s in other boards, if you provide the dxf file of your mx plate.

Also you can talk to him to give you a pcb+custom plate and you use your own sliders and housings (topre,deskeys,Niz,Novatouch)

They also have domes and the springs that go in the pcb.

Costar stabs work to be modded to perfection too, with hotglue to fix them on the plate,lube+some kind of bandaid mod, but fiddly to get perfect and of course to change keycaps.

I’m happy the EC part expands and a NCR 80 with EC does sound like a nice board as I like retro looks a lot.


I can attest: a metal plate, snappy domes, and unsilenced or lightly silenced sliders give a super pleasing retro sound. I bet it’d work incredibly well on the NCR80!

@Unikeys has KTT Kang White V3’s for $0.17/switch!!

Solid switch. It’s 3-pin rather than 5, but comes with a factory dry lube that isn’t bad at all. Quality all day linear switch :+1::+1:


A bit of “Things that make us go… hmmm”
NovelKeys has Buy 2 Get 1 for GMK sets


I agree. Why not offer 25% off 1 set or buy one get one 50% off? Still moves product.

And weird prices. Grand Prix is listed at $185. I swear it was $99 not long ago

I’ll admit, I’m tempted but the sets just aren’t there for me. I can’t find 3 sets I like enough. Ha


I’m kind of worried, because this looks like they may sitting on a lot of inventory. Watching the Mechs & Co drama, and getting ripped off when MKUltra went under, I hope NK is in a better place than either of those stores were.

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They probably do have a lot of inventory. Prototypist had the exact same sale last weeek (buy 2 get 1 free GMK). I’m guessing it worked out well and Mike decided to run the same deal on this side of the pond.

No doubt that there are exponentially more in-stock sets currently on the market than in the past years. I hope we’ll see prices drop as a result.


I think NK is actually doing pretty good. Mike addressed concerns about inventory and cash flow post-COVID on r/mk at the beginning of last year and since then, I have seen them as exclusive US retailers for a bunch of sought after items.

Personally, I have LOTS of confidence in NK.


Agreed that they clearly have a lot of inventory but I don’t think that’s inherently a sign of anything bad. Given the lead time, I assume vendors are making their extras decisions over a year in advance of delivery and I’d argue that the hobby was in a different place when that decision was made. Hopefully we indeed benefit as a result but I can’t really fault them given the situation.

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We are paid to date on all of our invoices. While things are definitely more tight and slower in the keyboard world, we have adjusted our plans to help navigate the current state.


It doesn’t get any better than a response from The Man HIMSELF!!! :grin::grin:

Like I said, LOTS of confidence in NK’s position in this game :+1::+1:


That’s great to hear, yay!


This guy has some sick artwork and sometimes he applies it to deskmats. I suggest checking out his framed prints as well.


I really hope that Mechs & Co can figure the cash flow issue out and stay afloat. I’ve had nothing but a good experience with them in the past, and I do think they are good people who got backed into a corner (even if they backed themselves up there).

And I do have money tied up in GMK group buys that they have hosted, so I’m also personally invested in their success, lol. Here’s to hoping an angel investor swoops in to save the day :pray:.

Hmmm… :thinking:

Do I need more Frankenswitch parts???


Ooo… Gateron is making an MX-compatible Hall effect switch*.

Like most optical switch examples, it will pair with on-board sensors. Unlike most optical switch examples, it looks to be adjustable in terms of actuation.

*Edit: I guess I should clarify - MX mount - not fully MX-compatible. These will not work in PCBs meant for MX switches, but they will fit keycaps designed for them, and otherwise fit in physical spaces designed for them.


Bolsa has a few things discounted today. One that piqued my interest was the namazu switch. Im a sucker for black switches. Anyone have an opinion on these?


Sort of like a muted BCP, but you will want to at least lube the springs as I had fee that were crunchy.

Solid switch if you like the long pole clack, but don’t want to piss off non-keeb folk in your home or office.

SP-Star makes pretty decent switches, IMHO. :+1::+1:

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