[IC] GMK Bentō round 2


GMK Bentō round 2

GMK Bentō (inspired by the Japanese culture, and the iconic/typical home-packed meal called ‘Bento [弁当]’) returns!

It will feature some spicy additions: new base kits, latin alphas, 40s support and more!

Regarding the new base kit, I thought it would be nice to offer a monochrome color scheme using this nice tealish blue.
You now have the possibility to have GMK Bentō in two tones: cream and blue thanks to the different novelties kits, for a more sea effect!

I decided to use different Hiragana [ひらがな] sub legends (used for GMK Serika for example) because I find them more coherent adequate.
The Katakana [カタカナ] sub legends come from GMK Bushidō and offer a more modern look due to their sharp and geometrical shapes.

The Group Buy is scheduled for August.
The kits are still open to discussion and can be adjusted.

Base kit covers any layout between 60% and full-size keyboards.
Sakana kit offers ortho, 40%, and 50% support.
I won’t consider other language alphas because it doesn’t make sense to me to have JIS sub legends on a ISO-DE layout though.
I’m not considering an ergo kit either because neither blanks nor git legends would fit the aesthetic of the set.

Rama M60-A|









Noxary 268


Noxary 268


TGR Jane 2


TGR Jane 2


TGR Alice


TGR Alice


Rama M65-A

Rama M65-A


Keycult No.2

Keycult No.2














Rama M60-A


Rama artisans

Gold PVD brass keycaps












Custom cables

biip x Space Cable

Stay tuned!
Thank in advance for your feedback.


Stoked this is happening

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Hey man I don’t think this set was very popular you might not hit MOQ on the R2 sorry to burst your bubble.



Maybe it’s just how I’m perceiving the renders(dealing with allergies too at the moment which doesn’t help) but I’m wondering if the red could possibly be a little less harsh on the Revival kit. I like the monochrome idea but for me it’s kind of like a harsh red light blinding me making it difficult to distinguish the legends

I get why the colors are what they are but just a thought. It’s fine when it’s only on the mods, but seems like a bit much when you add it to the alphas. Maybe the salmon red + white instead? Or that blue + white?

In any case interested! Will probably just get traditional kit.

Im sure many will be happy this will get a round 2!

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Quick update:

GMK Bentō now features R4 1u ><ろ and R1 1u -_ほ— in order to cover JIS layout.
わを has been fixed too.


deskmats and rama keycaps added in the thread.

Revival is gorgeous

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Wow! R2 is definitely a nice upgrade from R1. I’m going all in on this one.

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GB thread is now open here to continue the discussion : [GB] GMK Bentō round 2

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