How often do you switch keyboards to type on?

I’m a few months into mechanical keyboards. And I’ve collected quite a few boards at this point. At first my plan was to get a few of them to learn what I’d enjoy using, then pare down to the one or two that I’d use regularly. But at this point, I’m rotating through my keyboards and using them quite a bit. Sometimes every hour or so!

Do you all do this as well? It’s almost like I’m associating certain keyboard touch/feel/layout/sound to certain moods and tasks. At this rate, I can see myself collecting hundreds of variants haha…

Not sure if this is a cry for help, or if it is to validate my behavior. Either way, I’m really enjoying the rabbit hole. :smiley:


Man I feel this quote! :rofl: Seriously though I have a bunch of boards & rotate through them as well. Not nearly as much as you are rotating, but I get it. I did similar things when I first got into the hobby. As far as when I rotate there is no real method to my madness TBH, just whenever the mood strikes me to change I guess. :man_shrugging: Sometimes it can be days, other times it can be months.


Sometimes a few boards a day, usually once a week or so. New builds usually closer to two weeks.


Same here :point_up_2:


I have some stand-bys, but variety is the spice of life. I do enjoy picking a build to fit a task or even mood.


I used to this with all the vintage boards I had collected during my first year!

However, while I don’t switch between different keyboards anymore, I do test out a different switch every 2-3 weeks if that counts.


It depends. Sometimes i like typing on a Keyboard so much that i keep using it for months. Sometimes i rotate through my built Keyboards every other Week or so. I feel like rotating through boards and occasionally rebuilding them with different Switches and Keycaps is what keeps this hobby a lot of fun for me. Besides collecting Switches.


I’m new to mechanical keyboards and was exploring whether I prefer exploded 75% or compact so was switching between them every few hours. I’m now in between two very similar keyboard builds so every couple of days. So yeah, I guess “it depends” for me as well.

I guess, like most hobbies, with new toys, you tend to switch more frequent but then that becomes occasional over time?


Tried to use only one board a day. Ended up at two. I’d start each day with one then switch to another mid day. In the morning, I prefer less noisy super smooth boards. After lunch, I prefer loud clacky boards. So two boards per day is optimal for me.


«Two keebs a day keeps the doctor away».


It seems I’ve found my tribe haha!

The worst (best?) part of this is that I’m switching between 65/75/TKL, ergo split, and sometimes with one 65% for each hand like a split keyboard.

It’s good to hear this madness slows down after a year or so…


I keep my home and work setups on the same desk but with no KVM, so I’m using at least two every day. I tend to trade out one or the other of them every couple of weeks.


It really depends for me. If I’m using a board I just built then I tend to stick with it for a few weeks before I start swapping boards out again. Otherwise, I’ve been known to switch between boards multiple times a day depending on how I feel, but generally I swap out every couple of days and rotate between 4 or 5 boards.


I switch keyboards every 2-3 days :slight_smile:
It does help I have a decent amount to switch between :smiley:


I try for once a week. Although, I feel like my switch tester board has a little more frequency due to just having new switches to test.

Currently, I have a 4 board rotation, but it is more like a three board rotation.


I am locked into a full-size board at work but at home I use a 75% throughout the evening. We also have a TKL board for the TV PC, my wife and I both use it.

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I mean, I also change out keyboards frequently, sometimes hourly… depends on how I’m feeling and if I am testing anything out. Today I am testing HMX GAME 1989 in my Zoom98. I think that I need to replace the switches in the Enter and maybe Spacebar with something else


I tend to use a new board almost exclusively for 2-6 weeks, but once the newness wears off, I’ll switch out my boards between every 3-10 days. I have a few boards that I consider too nice (or heavy) for commuting, so I tend to rotate through a couple of them on days when I need to commute into the office and leave a different board on my desk at home.


At work it’s typically 2-3 months per board for me, I’d prefer bluetooth so it’s mostly switching between my Yang-based HHKB and 660c. I don’t type as much at home so maybe longer like 5-6 months, or whenever I build a new board then that newest one will take over the spot on the desk.


if it is a new board, maybe a week of continuous use

otherwise once every 3-4 days
very rarely do i switch out boards in the same day but if i have some number and arrow heavy work like excel i switch to a tkl from a 60%

ever since i got a hhkb my preference has changed to smaller boards as they seem more comfortable than tkls sometimes, also topre is so good to type on that i do not want to switch them out