It appears that Kate Hou and Todd Hersey are no longer at Rama Works, with their names no longer being listed on Rama Works’ website.
It seems they have moved on to create HIBI, which is already carrying out similar work creating metal artisan keycaps. The first collabs featuring their work are live - Zen Pond, Soyamilk, and DMG.
And RAMA does have other products that aren’t keyboard related. I mean, he was known for things that weren’t keyboard related before the M65-A. Maybe RAMA wants out of the keyboad game. I wouldn’t blame him. Shit’s toxic.
Rogue in what way? It seems Rama Works has also hired a new General Manager recently. I’m not at all sure what direction they’re headed in right now. It seems they’re after luxury goods outside of luxury keyboards.
Rogue what you have to be “bats”, “jars” and “tubs” crazy for me to believe that just kidding I love that stuff best wishes to all involved. Please still send me my Kate keycaps…
I am curious though. Do they have wiffle ball in Australia? I’ve seen people play cricket with tennis balls but never wiffle ball (only visited a few times though).
Not saying this from a point of judgment or criticism, but the lavish lifestyle with tuxedos, exotic cars, etc. was interesting and definitely not what I was expecting to see on the other/more personal side of a small (albeit outrageously successful) keyboard/industrial design company.
Yea he seems to come from a pretty wealthy background. His dad has a business which to my understanding basically connects businesses to Chinese manufacturers to create their products at least that’s my understanding. Kinda the perfect combo for the keyboard business. Someone correct me if I’m wrong.
I don’t know details. All I know is rama instantly had a new gf.