I thought this was worthy of a mention to any PBT lovers out there. Drop.com recently sold through a limited batch of PBT keycaps called Artifact Bloom Series Keycap Set: Vintage.
I received a set a few days ago and I have to say they WAY exceeded my expectations, which were admittedly low. Most notably:
Crisp dye sub legends
Smooth(ish) texture (a positive IMO)
Space bars are straight as an arrow, even the 7u
Good, neutral color-way
$45 price tag!
Here’s a link. If these go back on sale I will definitely pick up another set.
I was hoping to see a review on these at some point. The muted colorway is quite versatile. I was worried about space bar shrinkage. So they work on your stabilizers without issues? Also, hows the stem fit? Tight? Loose?
I think that “Artifact Bloom” may be a catch-all name for various Chinese brands, and that these keycaps are not all made by the same manufacturer.
For example, the “Macha Mango” set offered by “Artifact Bloom” looks a lot like “Hami Melon” that was offered by Idobao, I think. Does this mean “Artifact Bloom” is Idobao? Hard to tell, because the accent keys currently on sale remind me of some that used to be on sale at KBDFans.
The legends of their 9009-copy set are said to be not as good as EnjoyPBT, so it’s not EPBT making them, at least not under that brand/price-point.
I guess what I’m saying is, “Artifact Bloom” could be a collection of sets from various manufacturers. So it might be safest to only purchase the ones you already have information about. I’d buy the “Vintage” if it came around again, so that I could put my own accents on it.
[They should offer a CMYK kit for their vintage and 9009 sets].
@macclack curious about this too bc I tried searching for it on the usual suspect places and while you can find 9009, vintage (grayscale) and Hami Melon like someone mentioned up thread, the Artifact Bloom versions of the rainbow, sunset gradient and the BoW have slightly different legends than what is currently out (like the NPKC sets that Drop ran a while back.) I found a BoW set I’ve been wanting to pick up on Ali but it comes with these odd yellow/orange accents that I’m not really sure I want to pick up.
That’s the one. Preliminary pics and reviews look promising. YMDK has it around $37+tax+ship and with Paypal that brings it to near the Drop/Artifact Bloom price.
@macclack@4thebirds hope you get what you need; i put in for a BoW and Vintage set with yellow arrows. someone on r/mk posted a epbt gok bow + artifact bloom yellow arrows that looked heavy-industryish and i want to try the same.