Hello Everyone! I'm Lee

Hey there, I’m Lee. I’ve lurked here for well over a year now but figured since I enjoy it so much here that I’d finally start contributing as well. I’ve found that I most enjoy working with budget and mid-range boards as I feel they can often provide incredible enjoyment for what’s been spent on them.

I’m also a bit of a switch hoarder with a preference for linears and tactiles. I’ve spent more time than I care to admit to on Theremingoat’s Github page and just researching switches in general. I’m a tinkerer by nature so I think they play into that a good bit - I’m always interested in trying new material combinations, spring types, and pairing them with the most fitting lube as needed.

This is long overdue so I’m looking forward to interacting with everyone!


Welcome and good to see a fellow budget board tinkerer and switch hoarder here. :smiley:


Welcome welcome!

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Hello and welcome Lee.

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Welcome welcome. Always glad to have another fellow switch hoarder around. There’s dozens of us!

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You’re actually part of what got my interest up in Diamond Linears! I have them in my Kara right now and I adore them.

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Welcome welcome!

This forum is pretty friendly to switch modders with fun topics such as…


among many other topics on various switches and modifications :slight_smile:



Thank you! @Deadeye has already unknowingly gotten me to try Tecsee Diamonds and I don’t regret that decision at all. I’ve got more switch lubes than I care to admit to but I haven’t done too many lately. I’ve been thinking of trying a new lighter tactile switch so I’m enjoying reading everyone’s input on that.

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Welcome, glad to see a fellow tinkerer

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