[GB] DSS 420 Round 2 - a 40% Keyset

DSS 420 is back for a round 2!! This new kit features coverage for most 40% keyboards. New additions to the set include the new Signature Plastics DSA convex mini spacebars and the Dime Bag kit, featuring a bundle of leaf novelty keycaps.


  • Base kit: $130 (MoQ 50)
  • Dime Bag: $15 (No MoQ)
  • Color codes: Dark Green (VV), Light Green (VAT)
  • Doubleshot ABS in DSS profile (1-2-3-4-3 sculpt)
  • Convex DSA Space Bars
  • Manufactured by Signature Plastics
  • Trashcon Icons by Trashman
  • Group buy period: October 5th to November 2nd
  • Manufacturing time: 12 weeks
  • Fulfillment: February 2025

Available at Keyboard Arcade


Can I pay $45 for a standard kit for Tsangan TKL? :grinning:


I could fancy Sour Diesel TKL. Classic of a different kind.

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Sorry. 40’s only. :wink:

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Why though? I can get selling the main kit as 40% focused, but what would it hurt to offer a add on kit that allows for TKL coverage. If it don’t make MOQ just drop it & stay 40s focused, but I think you’d get a decent amount of sales by offering a such a kit. I know I’d buy a set & the TKL kit for sure even if it ended up a bit more expensive than a usual DSS base kit.


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Some round 1 pics:


I have amazing news!! Thanks to an anonymous donor, our base kit count increased by 3!! Because of this, once we reach MoQ, I will randomly select 3 orders to have their base kit order refunded. We have roughly 1 week left to go in the GB, so if you have been on the fence now is the time to jump in on a base kit.

We are currently at 32 basekits and 36 dime bags.


Wake and bake!! Today is the final day for the GB. Let’s goooooooooo!!!

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Our invoice has been paid and we are in the queue!! We have an estimated completion date of December 31st. :eyes: Looks like the 12 weeks I was originally quoted has gotten way shorter.

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The keycaps have finished production and are currently in collating/packaging. They should ship out to me sometime next week. We are very close to the finish line!!


The keys are here!! They should start shipping out to you guys over the next few days.


All packages have been shipped out. Check your emails for tracking. Thank you to everyone for making this another successful GB!! I’ll be sending refunds to the 3 winners of the raffle in the next few days.

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Extras are live!! Prices are the same as the GB and will be available at keyboardarcade.xyz until sold out. There’s limited quantity, so grab them before they are gone!!

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As of today, there are a few extras left on the storefront. Get them before they’re gone!!