I can’t help but to be sceptical of this. I like innovation and have a tool collection problem but I never felt like I didn’t have the leverage to open a switch with other openers. Switches are delicate and require some finesse IMO. I could be wrong, be interesting to see what happens when the reviews come in.
I agree with both of you. This will not allow for the finesse needed to open switches without damaging them, then even if you do get good cracking switches with this it still has the switch itself in between two surfaces making taking it out awkward. Not to mention the chances of things going flying apart unless you slowly release this contraption. Definitely seems like it’s trying to solve a problem nobody really has…
Looks like someone has some hands on experience with the new opener. They popped the bottom out of a switch. I wonder how hard it was pushed to pop the bottom off that cleanly.
Regardless I am out, KiiBoss is still the boss IMO…
I am not sure how awkward would it be to handle switch opening with this, but even if it’s comparable feeling with the “standard” small switch openers…
New tools should aim to fix some problem/pain point. I am not sure this tool is designed with such intention.
I think this would help a fair amount. But the amount of force being applied in a pliers style grip is still too strong. Switches can take a beating but they are still delicate when taken apart. Hopefully they will get some feedback and make some changes for a v2 like they are working on their switch puller.
In the mean time KiiBoss was still going strong today on a bowl of Cherry Switches.
Just read the linked post & dude was using Kaihl stems with Boba housings, meaning the stems were longer than the stem well in the bottom housing. This is not uncommon when using switches that have extended stems. I busted quite a few Halo stems through V2 Zeal bottom housings installing Zykos in a tight brass plate, so this tool forcing an extended stem through the bottom housing is not a surprise at all. I bet this wouldn’t be an issue with switches that have proper length stems. Although overall I do agree with that this opener isn’t the best design in the first place.