BSUN Agarwood Switch Review

Hey all,

Despite the bright, sunshiny yellow color of the BSUN Agarwood switches, this review is going to be a bit of a more bleak one. We’ve got some stuff to talk about in light of recent situations. Come for the pontification in the background section or the review of some otherwise cool linear switches - either way I hope to see you there!

Article: BSUN Agarwood Switch Review — ThereminGoat's Switches
Scorecard Repository: GitHub - ThereminGoat/switch-scores: PDF Repository of switch score sheets.
Force Curve Repository: GitHub - ThereminGoat/force-curves: PDF and Data Repository of switch force curves.
Patreon: ThereminGoat | creating Mechanical Keyboard Switch Reviews | Patreon

Thank you all for the continued support and readership week in and out. It’s the support and kind words that I’ve received from you all over the years that helps keeps me going and makes writing reviews like this one where I am a finger down slightly more bearable than not!

Goat :goat:


Thoughtful and interesting commentary

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