[Artisan] Eagle sale by The Eye Key

Hi guys,

Eagle is a sculpt that was published by our team in January 2019. After a long time without production, we resculpted by correcting some details to make the product sharper.

With the name Kol in Swedish means Carbon. We colorize the gmk Carbon keyset with 4 different representations of the eagle’s eyes with the letters XO, X, O and +. Hope you will like and support our team’s products. Sincerely thank you.




(fulfillment sale) Eagle Kol
Open form 22:00 pm (GMT + 7) March 7, 2023
Close form: 22:00 pm (GMT+7 ) March 9, 2023
Form is opened for 48hrs.

Sale information:
● Sculpt: Eagle
● Colorway: Carbon.
● Ability to cross the led: No
● Stem: Cherry MX - Can be plugged in all 4 directions.
● Price: $40/1 Keycap
● Quantity: limited

1. Eagle Kol - XO

2. Eagle Kol - O

3. Eagle Kol - X

4. Eagle Kol+

- All keycaps are cast colors resin 100%

- You can register for multiple keycaps at once.

The package when you receive it will include :

  • Keycap x1
  • Namecard x1
  • Sticker x2
  • Certificate of Authenticity x1

  • Shipping start date (*): March 27, 2023
  • Shipping fee: + Viet Nam (0$)
  • International shipping (15$)

Any questions please contact:

Email: Luongthuongnguyen@gmail.com





Thank you for your interest.