

I’m into 25% to 50% keyboards (e.g. MiniVan, Alpha28, Zlant, Daisy, JD40, BM43a, Fourier, UT47.2, etc.), TKLs (e.g. Rama Works U80-A, Kira80, Varmilo VA87M, Ducky One TKL, …), keyboards with trackpoint (Tex Yoda II, Tex Shinobi, Tex Shura, Tex Kodachi (WTB!), etc.) and probably anything in between, too—except 65% keyboards.

I own a few vintage keyboards with ISO layout (e.g. a Cherry G80-2100 “Battleship Clone”), but I mostly own and use modern keyboards with ANSI layout.

I have a slight preference for pronounced tactile and silent switches, but I also like linears and clickies—as long as the spring weight is heavy enough (medium to heavy), i.e. I dig Zealios v2, Zilents v2, Kailh Thick Clicks, Kailh Box Heavies, Kailh Box Jades, Cherry MX Clears, Cherry MX Blacks and similar switches as well as QMX clips.

And I help to organise the Swiss Mechanical Keyboard Meetups since late 2018 and run their swissmk.ch website.

I also like thumb-operated trackballs. :trackball:

Besides HID hardware, I’m interested in

Further IT-related keywords: Perl, Emacs, Zsh, i3, SailfishOS, Single Board Computers :slight_smile:

One more note: You might also notice that I—coming from the Open Source and Free Software as well as the CCC scene—condemn the usage of some online monopolists and/or data squids which are unfortunately used rather often in the mechanical keyboard scene, including, but not limited to: Google (i.e. Google Docs or Forms for IC or GB, especially when requiring an account), PayPal (especially when requiring an account), Amazon, …