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If you cleans stabs more than most, these are an easy button for it. With a few spins, all the grease grim is gone.


I just so happen to use those at work for cleaning delicate printing bits - perfect!

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I don’t know that I’ve ever cleaned stabilizers. I usually just cram more gunk in them. :smiley:


You’re a savage good sir!

I use peices of string or anything similar and just run it through like flossing

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As far as I’m concerned, they eat grease, and you have to keep feeding them.


I got my first Durock stabs and I’m looking forward to seeing what’s all the fuss about!


I have just finished and they are so much better than the stock ones i got with my tofu. At first i was very sceptical but i think I have really nailed the tuning part and they really feel and sound really smooth. Would recommend 10/10. :nerd_face:


Just finished lubing and filming my SP Star Meteor Oranges


My first polished keycap board:

  • keycaps: KBDfans WoB PBT doubleshot set
  • blank mods: KBDfans Cherry POM set
  • switch: Tealios filmed and lubed w/205g0
  • rest: Polaris with full brass plate

Not many options in WoB keyset if you prefer PBT over ABS so went with what KBDfans recently stocked. Alphas are decent but texture wasn’t so I polished their tops with 6000 grit micro-mesh. I may do another pass, focusing on the top edges.

Side mods had unbearable legend issues so replaced them w/Cherry POM set which sounds deep and thocky.

UPDATE1: After polishing the edges, I polished top surfaces again and this cheap doubleshot PBT keycaps now definitely feel as good as ePBT and CRP keysets I have. If you have doubleshot PBT keysets with rough texture, consider polishing with micro-mesh to get the feel you want.


Brass peeking through WoB is so dang classy.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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My dad was kind enough to bring a keyboard from his work trip to Oaklahoma.

It’s modding time!


I made a frame to hold two switch openers, because opening them two at a time makes the whole process only marginally less annoying.


It holds two of the Kelowna brand openers that you can get for a very reasonable price at Flashquark.


I like those little Kelowna switch openers. I have one as well and I appreciate that the Kailh side has a little switch tester on the outside, it makes a nice little desk ornament/fidget toy when its not being used for switch opening.


I am embarrassed to say I didn’t know what that opening was for figuring that two cat outlines was one too many? However, given the few Kailh switches I have, I think I’ll flip those over to make this even more useful!

Thank you for the tip.


Another stab mod.

Single wrapped breathable vinyl band-aids. A cool thing about those is that they’re perforated with holes in a uniform grid which makes for easy measuring and trimming.

Most others (I tested about 8 different brands/materials) wrinkled or got snagged in the stem slider or made actuation way too sluggish.

Lube is totally optional as the single wrap only increased the overall wire circumference by ~0.2 mm. It’s a little scratchy without at least lubing the stab housings, but my switches are a bit clacky so it’s not really a bother at the moment.


I’ll actually try this! Seems like a good alternative to the Holee mod my poor fingers can’t handle.

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The PCBs arrived.


Finally tried the Vertrel XF today after some research on it, decided to do a batch of retooled black I have that got 105 on them. Turns out you can mix it with water to use it with an ultrasonic cleaner or create a bath for the parts. I tried using the cheap jewelry ultrasomic cleaner I have but it didn’t do much to kick the lube off the parts. So I’ve resorted to soaking the parts in the Vertrel/water mix & using q-tip + lube brushes to remove the lube from the parts. A slow process for sure, but I cleaned the parts for 5 switches & used the Datavac to quick dry them just to see how they’ll be turning out. And they are turning out great thankfully. Once dry I can’t see any traces of lube left in or on the parts & when I put those switches together they feel like the stock unlubed retooled blacks I have leftover from the original batch!


I’m sitting here lubing these switches, and now all I’m thinking is “Man, I really want SA Grand Budapest”