@donpark, after your post here, I realized I never posted a follow up on my attempt of a RO-59 alternative with paraffin oil that I posted about here.
I agree with about the tremendous amount of time lost to curing with RO-59, so I figured adding straight PTFE powder to paraffin oil would mean that as the paraffin oil evaporates just the PTFE would be left behind and it seems to work better at helping the PTFE adhere to the switch housings and stems than the water-based RO-59.
I didn’t encounter any downsides to using it on my NK Dream Creams other than some oil seepage at the seams where the top and bottom housings meet, and the top housing around stem if applied too liberally.
It will separate after it sits for a while, so shaking before use is necessary.
Once mixed, it is noticeably thicker than RO-59.
Couldn’t really decide on a good name for it, so after talking to it with a friend I went with…