Oooh you gave me an idea
U have to post it tomorrow
I think @thicthock is an undercover chef.
I think it wouldnt be as much fun to cook if it was my job
I got it from a shop and it was all gone before I saw the message
Well, what was it? =)
I got doener kebab but without the bread. We call it doener plate since you only have meat and salads
Ye, that’s the “healthy” option. But it’s more common to serve it with French fries here in Sweden.
Now that’s a combo
Holy moly that’s a meal.
That looks delicious
I must draw the line at cilantro. I am one of those Poor’s sods to whom it tastes like soap.
I was in L.A. a few years ago and I swear every food had it
Felt like chicken thigh today. Anyone have a hint how to get the seasoning into the meat? The bag marinaded for 6 hours but I felt the taste of the herbs and spices didn’t get I down into the meat.
Probably the best way is to score the meat down to the bone on both sides, and rub the marinade/seasoning in the cuts. Marinades usually only penetrate about a mm or two, so it’s all about surface area. Dark meat can still be juicy with this approach, but I wouldn’t do the same thing for white meat. Looks great regardless.
An utterly new experience for me. Not bad, and not at all like the liquid Yogurt I was expecting.
Today was my luckay day and I got half a salmon for a good price.
I freeze it for the coming weeks and the small tail end willo be used for onigiri friday night.
That looks damn good
I’ve been experimenting with burger techniques but all my pictures look terrible lol