What did you order or think about ordering?

Heck yes, I did.


Mode Sonnet today! Here’s the build code: V0C1A2F3C4B5A6A7A8B9A

Features a grey top, black bottom, multicolour accent, carbon fiber plate with the silicone base and plate foam. I also got a POM plate and extra hotswap PCB, plate caps and rubber feet. I’m aiming for this to be my last personal board for home.


Been eying the new wireless version of the Kensington SlimBlade Pro for some time now, and I finally pulled the trigger! The standard version has been by far my favorite trackball - and I’ve sampled many many many of them. This is the only one that doesn’t wreck my thumb, or wrist.

Also got in on the Class60 GB this morning. Going for e-retro white. My intent is to put some clickies in it, and make use of the solenoid. I don’t have enough loud keyboards.


Nice. I’m planning on picking up a Class60 as well. I have the Class80 in retro white and I love it. Not sure if I’m going to go with that color again or maybe opt for gray. Definitely going with a HHKB top.


I gave it a lot of thought, but ended up going for WK. My collection (and outstanding GBs) are skewed heavily towards HHKB. Also I was a little disappointed that the red colorway was not the same that was offered for the 80, otherwise I likely would have opted for it.


It’s a set I’ve wanted for quite a while - in-stock-extras time is as good a time as any. :3


I own 2 sets already and I’m thinking about getting some extras :upside_down_face:

It is a very versatile set. Goes well with black, gray, white, or silver.


I’d have gone for WK as well except I couldn’t get over that label at top. Yikes.

Too bad. It could’ve been my return to Topre world.

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I’m planning to 3d print a badge for mine


Well, in a spur-of-the-moment decision, i bought a red one!


Well, my spur-of-the-moment was much longer than yours but ended up ordering a black WK one with extra EC plate and PCB. Turns out this combo is $10 cheaper than EC build with extra non-EC plate and PCB. That said, I’m not sure if I actually saved money or will be short some parts.

As to the badge, hope 3D printing one will rescue my taste. A badge with long extended edge to use as pen holding ledge maybe?


I went Retro white, HHKB, EC PCB, with the EC-Alu plate with 2U Backspace.

This will be my first Topre board… Time to see what all the fuss is about :thinking:


Nice. We’ll have to all collaborate on the badge. I haven’t seen any talk of making the badge dimensions available, but surely with a group of us and some trusty calipers we can make it happen.

I also went for MX board and added on the EC PCB and plate


Sounds like a fun little project. I went with black case so my worse case solution is Sharpie. lol

The badge they use doesn’t really bother me, but I’d totally be in for a custom badge!

I am also going to participate in the MTNU group buy through the European dealer located in Germany, despite my previously outed aversion against MT3.

MTNU legends have significantly improved both in size and font style and are now on par with AFSA.

However, it is the overall lower keycap height and the PBT material that convinced me to pull the trigger on a first group buy. I like low typing angles and every bit to help achieving this counts. Hopefully, I will not be disappointed the way I was with MT3.

Nonetheless, I am still sceptical about the inclination angle of R1, which has been much reduced compared to SA. This reduces legend visibility and probably also typing comfort. As with MT3, Matt3o persists in sinning against this. Anyhow, The proof of the pudding will be in the eating.

I am going for WoB with the cyan mods, which will undoubtedly increase the cyber punk vibes of my black Stellar65 with its pink cyan lighting.

Having a twisted brain and with the letter O and the digit 0 being located next to one another, I sometimes mix those up. That will no longer happen with these legends:



These keycaps look so good, high-end design.

Looking forward to buy the Susu design, looks amazing.

I actually like MTNU’s R1 incline.

On boards with typing-angle on the high-side, I found SA R1 incline too aggressive and Cherry R1 slightly lacking in incline such that bottom lip of the keycap is what you end up hitting. So I like that MTNU R1 is mid-way between that of SA and Cherry profiles.


I ordered the WoB MTNU base set with CYM accents for my cyberpunk themed black Stellar65.

To make good use of the included numpad keys, I also ordered a FreeBird Numpad Lite Black. Unlike the Stellar12, this numpad has the usual 17 keys, of which I intend to reprogram the Num key in a BS key.

There are many 21 key numpads around, but the keycaps to populate those extra 4 keys are rarely included in base sets.


And I told myself that I wasn’t going to buy anymore keyboards this year… :disappointed: