What did you order or think about ordering?

Oops I feel responsible for bringing it up on your radar :grimacing: but now I’m a little envious, too :joy:

Which one did you get?

The retro white in WKL. Hotswap PCB


Whoops, I hit the order button, too…:face_with_peeking_eye:

I was thinking either the Stone keycaps or perhaps Domikey Astronaut would go well - anyone got any Domikey sets? Happy with them?


Nice. I wish I would have thought to get the light module, but now it’s sold out. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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My go to prelubed tactile switch: GAZZEW U4Tx
These thock when bottomed out, but are silent in the upstroke.


If you ordered in Oz, that might have been me…ahem…I noticed that after I checked out there were no more light modules :grimacing:

Lindy Lemos from Spacecables


Wow. Fast shipping!

Haven’t gotten into it yet. After dinner project.


Five EC60 PCBs because I am, if nothing else, deeply unintelligent. I followed the readme so here’s hoping they’re produced and function as intended!


Surely you can sell some if they work

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That’s the hope. I followed Cip’s Readme so I’m hopeful that they turn out as expected. My next challenge will be getting a plate file modified but I think I’ll make a separate thread for that.

Been feeling like an old man recently due to the fact that I lot of my typical tactiles have been tiring me out (looking at you Cotton Candy switches). I am not really sure why. Maybe I need to try swapping them into another hotswap board to just confirm.

Either way, I decided to hope on Parallel Limited’s new linears to give my tired fingers something else to try - [Fast Pre-Order] Opal Switches – Parallel Limited


Well then, one fried egg coming up in the not too distant future…:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: hope it pairs well with London Fog or Black Lotus.



Just looking at it, I’m craving some salty fried eggs. Lots of pepper, too.

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With the fear of striking out in the wait for something available in EU, I ordered the Lost Nines kit from the states. :smiling_face_with_tear:


Caved & ordered a set of QMX stabs to see how they are. Although with the pricing, unless they are substantially better than TX stabs I’ll probably be sticking with TX.


Hey! Did you get a chance to try out the new QMX stabs? If so, what are your thoughts?

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I have not had a chance to try them yet, but my Salvation should be getting back to me today & I plan on doing a build for it with them. I was gonna try them in my Thermal+, but I got a solder PCB & didn’t want to try unproven stabs on that. Just checking them out they seems decent, tight though you’ll have to make sure you use pretty straight caps with them. I doubt they’ll play well with PBT sets. Plus they do not come apart very easily, I seen Taeha managed to pull the sliders out of the housings when he tried them, but I think that may not be the move. Not sure how they sliders are held into the housings yet, but the fact they can’t slide out the bottom like any other stab makes me think they were not meant to be taken apart. Also touch up look like they’ll be a pain with the QMX stabs as the hole for the wire in the slider does not go all the way through the slider. I’ll report back when I get that hotswap setup put together for my Salvation!


I saw that Alexotos also got a set and he stated that “they work just like a stab should”. Based on your observations, I really look forward to hearing about your experience with QMX stabs once you get them into a build. For now, I think I’ll stay with TX and cherry clip-in stabs.

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