Unfinished Projects: What's blocking them?

And I forgot even one more unfinished project:

  • A naked (unpainted) black TKC 1800 with green plate. Got it for a bit less than normal when a bunch of them were up on Massdrop a year ago or so. Planned with GMK >Terminal_ R2 (hence the green plate).

    Might become my next “home holidays” or weekend-during-COVID-19-lockdown build, but I just ran out of Millmax hotswap sockets, :cold_sweat: :cry: (Well, there are still enough left for another 40% build, but not for a full-size build.)

    Additionally I run out of my favourite switches (Zealios, Zilents, Kailh Box Royal, Kailh Box Navy and Kailh Box Jades), Still have a bag of nice and orange Healios, so I might just use them initially although they’re planned them for some build with orange keycaps.

    I ordered some more Zealios and Zilents at Massdrop’s leftovers shop “Yanbo’s Closet” about two or three weeks ago, but they’re not yet even shipped, probably due to COVID-19…

Just was reminded of it over in the “What is on your desk today?” thread

Will add this and the also missing Ginny kit to the main posting for completeness.

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